//Include the servo motor library
#include <Servo.h>
//Define the LDR sensor pins
#define LDR1 A0
#define LDR2 A1
//Define the error value. You can change it as you like
#define error 10
//Starting point of the servo motor
int Spoint = 90;
//Create an object for the servo motor
Servo servo;
void setup() {
//Include servo motor PWM pin
//Set the starting point of the servo
void loop() {
//Get the LDR sensor value
int ldr1 = analogRead(LDR1);
//Get the LDR sensor value
int ldr2 = analogRead(LDR2);
//Get the difference of these values
int value1 = abs(ldr1 - ldr2);
int value2 = abs(ldr2 - ldr1);
//Check these values using a IF condition
if ((value1 <= error) || (value2 <= error)) {
} else {
if (ldr1 > ldr2) {
Spoint = --Spoint;
if (ldr1 < ldr2) {
Spoint = ++Spoint;
//Write values on the servo motor