const int trigPin = 9; // Trig pin of ultrasonic sensor connected to digital pin 9
const int echoPin = 10; // Echo pin of ultrasonic sensor connected to digital pin 10
const int redPin = 3; // Red LED connected to digital pin 3
const int yellowPin = 5; // Yellow LED connected to digital pin 5
const int greenPin = 6; // Green LED connected to digital pin 6
const int trigIkan = 11;
const int echoIkan = 12;
int carCount1 = 0; // Variable to store the number of cars detected
int carCount2 = 0;
int greenDuration = 10; // Duration of the green light in seconds
void setup() {
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(yellowPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(trigIkan, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoIkan, INPUT);
Serial.begin(9600); // Start serial communication for debugging
void loop() {
long duration1, distance1;
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration1 = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
distance1 = duration1 * 0.034 / 2;
Serial.print("Distance1 : ");
Serial.println(distance1); // Print the distance for debugging
long duration2, distance2;
digitalWrite(trigIkan, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigIkan, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigIkan, LOW);
duration2 = pulseIn(echoIkan, HIGH);
distance2 = duration2 * 0.034 / 2;
Serial.print("Distance2: ");
Serial.println(distance2); // Print the distance for debugging
digitalWrite(yellowPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH);
if (distance1 < 50) { // If a car is detected within 50 cm
Serial.println("is there car in sensor 1 : yes");
Serial.println("is there car in sensor 1 : no");
if (distance2 < 50) { // If a car is detected within 50 cm
Serial.println("is there car in sensor 2 : yes");
Serial.println("is there car in sensor 2 : no");
// Adjust the green duration based on the number of cars detected
if (carCount1==1) {
greenDuration = 30;
} else{
greenDuration = 20;
greenDuration = 10;
if (carCount1 = 1) {
digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH); // Turn on the green light
digitalWrite(yellowPin, LOW); // Turn off the yellow light
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // Turn off the red light
delay(greenDuration * 1000); // Wait for the green duration in seconds
digitalWrite(greenPin, LOW); // Turn on the green light
digitalWrite(yellowPin, HIGH); // Turn off the yellow light
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // Turn off the red light
} else if (carCount1 ==0 && carCount2 == 1) { // If between 5 and 10 cars have been detected
digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH); // Turn on the green light
digitalWrite(yellowPin, LOW); // Turn off the yellow light
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // Turn off the red light
delay(greenDuration * 1000); // Wait for the green duration in seconds
digitalWrite(greenPin, LOW); // Turn on the green light
digitalWrite(yellowPin, HIGH); // Turn off the yellow light
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // Turn off the red light
} else { // If 10 or more cars have been detected
digitalWrite(greenPin, HIGH); // Turn on the green light
digitalWrite(yellowPin, LOW); // Turn off the yellow light
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // Turn off the red light
delay(greenDuration * 1000); // Wait for the green duration in seconds
digitalWrite(greenPin, LOW); // Turn on the green light
digitalWrite(yellowPin, HIGH); // Turn off the yellow light
digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // Turn off the red light
carCount1 = 0; // Reset the car count
carCount2 = 0;
greenDuration=10; //Reset the green duration