#include <HCSR04.h>

// Digital pin definitions
int ledRightPin = 2;
int ledLeftPin = 3;
int pushButtonLeftPin = 4;
int pushButtonRightPin = 5;
int sensorTriggerPin = 6;
int sensorRightEchoPin = 7;
int sensorLeftEchoPin = 8;
int pumpPin = 9;
int valveRightPin = 10;
int valveLeftPin = 11;
int buttonPin = 12;

int servoAngle;

// The maximum distance that an object must be from the sensor to trigger (in cm).
const int maxObjectDistance = 5;

// The duration of the motor pumping water in seconds.
const int motorPumpDuration = 1;

// The gap in seconds the the water pump will start before opening the gap, and will stop before closing the valve.
const int valvePumpGapDuration = 1;

// Initialisation class HCSR04 (trig pin , echo pin, number of sensors).
HCSR04 sensor(sensorTriggerPin, new int[2] {sensorLeftEchoPin, sensorRightEchoPin}, 2); 

void setup()

  // Define pin modes.
  pinMode(ledLeftPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(ledRightPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(valveRightPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(valveLeftPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(pumpPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(pushButtonRightPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Enable the resistor embbeded on arduino's digital pin so we don't need to use a resistor.
  pinMode(pushButtonLeftPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Enable the resistor embbeded on arduino's digital pin so we don't need to use a resistor.

void loop()
  // The time interval to wait within loops.
  int delayTime;
  if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) {
    // The switch button is off. We can perform test operartions.

    // Check is the right push button has been pressed.
    if (digitalRead(pushButtonRightPin) == LOW) {
      // Pump the water through the right valve.
    } else if (digitalRead(pushButtonLeftPin) == LOW) {
      // Pump the water through the left valve.

    // Read somewhere that a small delay is good for circuit stability.
    delayTime = 1;
  } else {
    // The switch button is on. Verify if a nearby object is at the range of the sensor.
    // Look for objects in the left sensor.

    // Look for objects in the right sensor.

    // Wait every 2 seconds to read again..
    delayTime = 2000;

void checkSensor(bool isSensorRight) {
  int sensorIndex, ledPin, valvePin;

  // Sensor left is represented at position 0 in HCSR04 the array. Sensor right at position 1.
  if (isSensorRight) {
    sensorIndex = 1;
    ledPin = ledRightPin;
    valvePin = valveRightPin;
  } else {
    sensorIndex = 0;
    ledPin = ledLeftPin;
    valvePin = valveLeftPin;
  // The distance of an object in cm.
  int objectDistance = sensor.dist(sensorIndex);

  // It is recommended to wait over 60ms in order to prevent trigger signal to the echo signal.

  // This conditional prevents pumping water when the sensor is disconected.
  if (objectDistance > 0) {
    if (objectDistance < maxObjectDistance) {
      // An object is near the sensor, turn on the led.
      turnOnLed(ledPin, 1);
      // Pump the water.
    } else {
      // No objects found nearby, turn off the led.

void turnOffLeds() {
  digitalWrite(ledLeftPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledRightPin, LOW);

void turnOffLed(int ledPin) {
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

// Turns on the led represented by ledPin for the given duration in seconds. 
void turnOnLed(int ledPin, int duration) {
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

  delay(duration * 1000);

  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

void turnOnLeds() {
  digitalWrite(ledLeftPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(ledRightPin, HIGH);

// Turns on the water pump for 1 second.
void pumpWater(int valvePin) {

  // First we must open the water valve before pumping the water.
  digitalWrite(valvePin, HIGH);

  // Let's wait a bit for the valve to open before pumping the water.
  delay(valvePumpGapDuration * 1000);

  // Pump water for 1 sec.
  digitalWrite(pumpPin, HIGH);
  delay(motorPumpDuration * 1000);
  // Switch off pump
  digitalWrite(pumpPin, LOW);

  // Wait a bit for the water pump to switchOff before closing the valve.
  delay(valvePumpGapDuration * 1000);

  // Once we swich off the water pump, we can now close the valve.
  digitalWrite(valvePin, LOW);