// ****************************************************
// * *
// * NAME : Yazan Alhamayda *
// * Program Name: DDRB.ino *
// * Date : 2023-02-21 *
// * Desc : This program is to light *
// * the chaser with 6 pattern outcomes *
// * using input data directional register * *
// ****************************************************
int buttonPin = 6; // the pin for our button
int patternDelay = 110; // delay in ms between pattern steps
int patternNumber = 1; // tracks what pattern your on
void setup() {
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // config button to be an INPUT
pinMode(7, OUTPUT); // config speaker on pin 7
} // end setup()
void loop() {
if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW ) { // check if pushed
tone (7,500,100); // When the button is detected as pressed, play a tone of 500hz, for 100 ms
delay (110); // to make the tone play add 110 ms delay to ensure it played without affecting the program
patternNumber = patternNumber +1; // go to next pattern
if (patternNumber == 7 ){ // check if we exceeded the max patterns
patternNumber = 1; // if so reset pattern to 1
} // end if()
} // end if()
if (patternNumber == 1) { // check if its pattern 1
PORTB = B000100; // send power to pin 10
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B001100; // send power to pin 11 and 10
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B011100; // send power to pin 10, 11 and 12
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
}else if (patternNumber == 2) { // check if its pattern 2
PORTB = B011000; // send power to pin 12 and 11
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B010100; // send power to pin 12 and 10
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B001100; // send power to pin 11 and 10
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
}else if (patternNumber == 3) { // check if its pattern 3
PORTB = B010000; // send power to pin 12
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B001000; // send power to pin 11
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B000100; // send power top pin 10
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
}else if (patternNumber == 4) { // check if its pattern 4
PORTB = B010000; // send power to pin 12
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B011000; // send power to pin 11 and 12
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B011100; // send power to pin 12,11 and 10
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
}else if (patternNumber == 5) { // check if its pattern 5
PORTB = B001100; // send power to pin 11 amd 12
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B010100; // send power to pin 12 and 10
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B011000; // send power to pin 12 and 11
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
}else if (patternNumber == 6) { // check if its pattern 6
PORTB = B000100; // send power to pin 10
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B001000; // send power to pin 11
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
PORTB = B010000; // send power to pin 12
delay(patternDelay); // wait 110 ms
} // end if()
} // end loop()