// This project is intended to implement a sound sensor but since WokWi doesn't have a sound sensor component I chose to use their Motion sensor 
// Which works with the same principle 
// The source code is available on git at : 
// Define the pin configuration of the LED and Sound Sensor
#define Sound_Sensor 35
#define Led_Pin 4
const int Sound_Threathold = 200;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(Sound_Sensor, INPUT);
  pinMode(Led_Pin, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  int sound = analogRead(Sound_Sensor);   // Read the output of the sensor 
  digitalRead(Led_Pin);                  // Read the output pin of the LED to update its stae 
  if (sound>Sound_Threathold && digitalRead(Led_Pin)==false)
    digitalWrite(Led_Pin, HIGH);
  else if (sound>Sound_Threathold && digitalRead(Led_Pin)==true)
    digitalWrite(Led_Pin, LOW);