print("Hello, ESP32!")
# Demonstrates ESP32 interface to MicroSD Card Adapter
# Create a text file and write running numbers.
# Open text file, read and print the content on debug port
* The ESP32 pin connections for MicroSD Card Adapter SPI
# MicroSD Card Adapter Power Pins
* MicroSD VCC pin to ESP32 +5V
* MicroSD GND pin to ESP32 GND
# MicroSD SPI Pins
* MicroSD MISO pin to ESP32 GPIO13
* MicroSD MOSI pin to ESP32 GPIO12
* MicroSD SCK pin to ESP32 GPIO14
* MicroSD CS pin to ESP32 GPIO27
Name:- M.Pugazhendi
Date:- 20thOct2021
Version:- V0.1
e-mail:- [email protected]
import machine
from machine import Pin, SPI, SoftSPI
import sdcard
import os
toggle = 0
#Initialize the onboard LED as output
led = machine.Pin(2,machine.Pin.OUT)
# Toggle LED functionality
def BlinkLED(timer_one):
global toggle
if toggle == 1:
toggle = 0
toggle = 1
# BJMing Doc ########
# MicroSD Card FAT32 Block Size 512 byte
# MicroSD Pin-Connection
# DO => PIN(D12)
# SCK => PIN(D14)
# DI => PIN(D13)
# CS => PIN(D27)
# GND => GND
# VCC => 3.3Vdc
# BJMing Doc ########
# Initialize the SD card
# Create a instance of MicroPython Unix-like Virtual File System (VFS),
# Mount the SD card
# Debug print SD card directory and files
# Create / Open a file in write mode.
# Write mode creates a new file.
# If already file exists. Then, it overwrites the file.
file = open("/sd/sample.txt","w")
# Write sample text
for i in range(20):
file.write("Sample text = %s\r\n" % i)
# Close the file
# Again, open the file in "append mode" for appending a line
file = open("/sd/sample.txt","a")
file.write("Appended Sample Text at the END \n")
# Open the file in "read mode".
# Read the file and print the text on debug port.
file = open("/sd/sample.txt", "r")
if file != 0:
print("Reading from SD card")
read_data =
print (read_data)
# Initialze timer_one. Used for toggling the on board LED
timer_one = machine.Timer(0)
# Timer one initialization for on board blinking LED at 200mS interval
timer_one.init(freq=5, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=BlinkLED)