/* eForth1 Servos+Knobs Demo

 Enter the following into Serial Monitor input
 Option1: as a typical Arduino app
   my_app        \ run in endless loop

 Option2: or, use timer interrupt to make it multi-tasking
   1 timer       \ enable timer interrupt
   words         \ Forth interpreter is running in parallel
#include <Servo.h>
#include <eForth1.h>

PROGMEM const char code[] =
": a2d >r 0 1023 0 180 r> map ;\n"    // ( a -- d ) map 0-1023 to 0-180
": svo dup ain a2d swap 0 call ;\n"   // ( n -- ) read knob[n], convert to angle, set servo[n]
": x4 3 for r@ svo next ;\n"          // ( -- ) scan thru all 4 knobs
": my_app begin x4 again ;\n"         // ( -- ) an infinite loop
"' x4 100 0 tmisr\n"                  // make x4 a timer ISR[0] (ticks every 100ms)

Servo sv[4];               ///> create 4 servos

/// servo arm angle setting ( angle servo# -- )
void servo() {
  int p = vm_pop();        ///> servo#
  int a = vm_pop();        ///> servo phase angle

void setup() {
  while (!Serial);

  for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
    sv[i].attach(6 + i);    /// * servos attached to pin 6,7,8,9

  ef_setup(code);           ///> initiate eForth1
  vm_cfunc(0, servo);       ///> register servo write function

void loop() {
  ef_run();                 ///> invoke eForth1 VM outer interpreter