/*Automatic Railway Gate Control System Using Arduino, IR & servo
 electroduino.com */
#include <Servo.h>
const int IRsensor1 = A2;
const int IRsensor2 = A1;
const int BUZZER = 10;
const int Rled = 11;
const int Gled = 12;

Servo myservo1;
Servo myservo2;

void setup()
  pinMode(IRsensor1, INPUT);
  pinMode(IRsensor2, INPUT);
  pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Rled, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(Gled, OUTPUT);
  myservo1.attach(5); // Servo motor 1 pin connected to D5
  myservo2.attach(6); // Servo motor 2 pin connected to D5

void loop() 
   int Sensordata1 = digitalRead(IRsensor1); // read degital data from IR sensor1
   int Sensordata2 = digitalRead(IRsensor2); // read degital data from IR sensor2
   myservo1.write(0); // sets the servo at 0 degree position
   myservo2.write(0); // sets the servo at 0 degree position

  if (Sensordata1 == LOW && Sensordata2 == HIGH)
    myservo2.write(90);     // sets the servo at 90 degree position
    myservo1.write(90);     // sets the servo at 90 degree position
    digitalWrite(BUZZER, HIGH); // turn on buzzer
    digitalWrite(Rled, HIGH); // turn on Red LED
  else if (Sensordata1 == HIGH && Sensordata2 == LOW)
    myservo1.write(0);     // sets the servo at 0 degree position
    myservo2.write(0);     // sets the servo at 0 degree position
    digitalWrite(Gled, HIGH); // turn on Yellow LED
    digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); // turn off buzzer
    myservo1.write(0);     // sets the servo at 0 degree position
    myservo2.write(0);     // sets the servo at 0 degree position
    digitalWrite(Gled, HIGH); // turn on Yellow LED
    digitalWrite(BUZZER, LOW); // turn off buzzer