// Define the pins used for the sensors and buzzer
const int motionPin = 2;
const int blinkPin = A0;
const int buzzerPin = 9;
// Define the blink threshold
const int blinkThreshold = 3;
// Define variable for counting blinks
int blinkCount = 0;
// Set up the system
void setup() {
pinMode(motionPin, INPUT);
pinMode(blinkPin, INPUT);
pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
// Check for motion and blink detection
void loop() {
// Check for motion
if (digitalRead(motionPin) == HIGH) {
// Reset blink count
blinkCount = 0;
// Wait for a moment to let the person settle in
// Check for blinks
if (analogRead(blinkPin) > 700) {
// Increment blink count
// Print blink count to serial for debugging
Serial.println("Blink count: " + String(blinkCount));
// Check if blink threshold has been exceeded
if (blinkCount >= blinkThreshold) {
// Sound the buzzer
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, HIGH);
// Wait for a moment to let the person react
// Turn off the buzzer
digitalWrite(buzzerPin, LOW);
// Reset blink count
blinkCount = 0;
// Wait for a moment to avoid flooding the system with readings