#include <LedControl.h>
#include "alpha.h" //Bit Pattern Definitions
const int numDevices = 1; // number of MAX7219s used in this case 1
const long scrollDelay = 40; // adjust scrolling speed
unsigned long bufferLong [14] = {0};
LedControl lc = LedControl(3, 5, 4, numDevices); //DATA | CLK | CS/LOAD | number of matrices
const unsigned char scrollText[] PROGMEM = {" HELLO "};
const unsigned char scrollText1[] PROGMEM = {" MAKERS "};
void setup()
for (int x = 0; x < numDevices; x++)
lc.shutdown(x, false); //The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup
lc.setIntensity(x, 8); // Set the brightness to default value
lc.clearDisplay(x); // and clear the display
void loop() {
scrollMessage(scrollText); //Message defined by ScrollText
scrollMessage(scrollText1); //Message defined by ScrollText1
void scrollFont() {
for (int counter = 0x20; counter < 0x80; counter++) {
// Scroll Message
void scrollMessage(const unsigned char * messageString) {
int counter = 0;
int myChar = 0;
do {
// read back a char
myChar = pgm_read_byte_near(messageString + counter);
if (myChar != 0) {
while (myChar != 0);
// Load character into scroll buffer
void loadBufferLong(int ascii) {
if (ascii >= 0x20 && ascii <= 0x7f) {
for (int a = 0; a < 7; a++) { // Loop 7 times for a 5x7 font
unsigned long c = pgm_read_byte_near(font5x7 + ((ascii - 0x20) * 8) + a); // Index into character table to get row data
unsigned long x = bufferLong [a * 2]; // Load current scroll buffer
x = x | c; // OR the new character onto end of current
bufferLong [a * 2] = x; // Store in buffer
byte count = pgm_read_byte_near(font5x7 + ((ascii - 0x20) * 8) + 7); // Index into character table for kerning data
for (byte x = 0; x < count; x++) {
// Rotate the buffer
void rotateBufferLong() {
for (int a = 0; a < 7; a++) { // Loop 7 times for a 5x7 font
unsigned long x = bufferLong [a * 2]; // Get low buffer entry
byte b = bitRead(x, 31); // Copy high order bit that gets lost in rotation
x = x << 1; // Rotate left one bit
bufferLong [a * 2] = x; // Store new low buffer
x = bufferLong [a * 2 + 1]; // Get high buffer entry
x = x << 1; // Rotate left one bit
bitWrite(x, 0, b); // Store saved bit
bufferLong [a * 2 + 1] = x; // Store new high buffer
// Display Buffer on LED matrix
void printBufferLong() {
for (int a = 0; a < 7; a++) { // Loop 7 times for a 5x7 font
unsigned long x = bufferLong [a * 2 + 1]; // Get high buffer entry
byte y = x; // Mask off first character
lc.setRow(3, a, y); // Send row to relevent MAX7219 chip
x = bufferLong [a * 2]; // Get low buffer entry
y = (x >> 24); // Mask off second character
lc.setRow(2, a, y); // Send row to relevent MAX7219 chip
y = (x >> 16); // Mask off third character
lc.setRow(1, a, y); // Send row to relevent MAX7219 chip
y = (x >> 8); // Mask off forth character
lc.setRow(0, a, y); // Send row to relevent MAX7219 chip