# BinaryDoorLock
This goal of this little project was to become familiar with the process of designing a **real chip** with [https://tinytapeout.com](https://tinytapeout.com/)

## The Idea
was to build a simple BinaryDoorLock with 8-Bits as input.  
With 8 Bits there are 256 possible combinations which can be switched on with the input switches. 
Only one combination opens the BinaryDoorLock by setting the output pin high.
More information at https://github.com/marcusmichaely/tt03_8Bit_BinaryDoorLock

# Tiny Tapeout 3 Template Project

Use this template to start your Tiny Tapeout 3 project. 

To learn more, check out our Digital Design Guide at https://tinytapeout.com/digital_design/wokwi/
