// Wire the servo like so
// 5V --- servo red
// GND --- servo brown/black
// 9 (PWM) --- servo orange/white
#include <Servo.h> // The basic Arduino servo library
Servo myservo; // Instance a servo object called "myservo" from the library
// Variables that remain constant
const int timeServoInterval = 2; // The time in milliseconds between 1 degree rotation steps
const int timeSimUserInterval = 1000; // Every two seconds, a simulated "user" triggers a new angle
const byte pinLED = 11; // Output pin for the LED
// Variables that can change
unsigned long timeNowServo = 0;
unsigned long timeNowUser = 0;
int angleCurrent;
int angleTarget;
bool LEDState = LOW; // State the LED is in
void setup()
randomSeed(analogRead(0)); // Reading the voltage from a floating (unused) pin makes "better" random numbers
angleCurrent = myservo.read(); // Set an initial value to start from
angleTarget = random(10, 170); // Set an initial value to start from
pinMode(pinLED, OUTPUT); // Set the LED pin as an output
void loop()
void rotateServo()
if (millis() - timeNowServo >= timeServoInterval) // Is it time to rotate the servo towards the new target angle?
timeNowServo = millis(); // Read the current time
if (angleCurrent != angleTarget) // In case it was time; is the current angle different from the target angle?
if (angleCurrent <= angleTarget) // If it is; check if it is smaller than the target angle
angleCurrent ++; // If it is smaller, then increase the current angle by 1 degree
myservo.write(angleCurrent); // And rotate the servo 1 degree towards the target angle
else // Otherwise
if (angleCurrent >= angleTarget) // Check if it is larger than the target angle
angleCurrent --; // If it is larger, then decrease the current angle by 1 degree
myservo.write(angleCurrent); // And rotate the servo 1 degree towards the target angle
void simulateUserInput() // Sets target angle programmatically (later from pulse sensor)
if (millis() - timeNowUser >= timeSimUserInterval) // Is it time to generate a new random angle?
timeNowUser = millis(); // If so, read the current time
angleTarget = random(10, 170); // And generate a new random angle
LEDState = HIGH; // Then set the LED's state to on
digitalWrite(pinLED, LEDState); // And switch the LED
else // If it was not yet time
LEDState = LOW; // Then set the LED's state to off
digitalWrite(pinLED, LEDState); // And switch the LED