┃ Raspberry Pi Pico LED Flasher (MicroPython) ┃
┃ ┃
┃ A program to control an onboard LED with alternating ┃
┃ fast flashes and regular blinks. ┃
┃ ┃
┃ Copyright (c) 2023 Anderson Costa ┃
┃ GitHub: github.com/arcostasi ┃
┃ License: MIT ┃
from machine import Pin
import utime
led = Pin(8, Pin.OUT)
FAST_FLASH_DELAY = 30 # 30 ms for fast flash
SLOW_FLASH_DELAY = 500 # 500 ms for slow flash
FAST_FLASH_COUNT = 6 # Number of fast flashes
SLOW_FLASH_COUNT = 3 # Number of slow flashes
def flash_led(delay, count):
# Loop through the given number of times (count) to flash the LED
for _ in range(count):
led.toggle() # Toggle the LED state (on/off)
utime.sleep_ms(delay) # Wait for the specified delay time
led.toggle() # Toggle the LED state (on/off) again
utime.sleep_ms(delay) # Wait for the specified delay time
while True:
# Fast flashing sequence
# Short pause between sequences
# Slow flashing sequence
# Longer pause between sequences