# Project objective: Use the PIR sensor to detect whether there's movement or not
# Hardware and connections used:
#   PIR VCC to 3.3 V
#   PIR GND to GND
#   PIR D Pin to GPIO Pin 16
# Programmer: Adrian Josele G. Quional

# modules
from machine import Pin
from time import sleep

# creating a PIR object, setting it as IN
pir = Pin(16, Pin.IN)

# continuously read data from the PIR sensor
# print a status whether a motion or detected or not 
while True:
   if pir.value() == 1:
       print(f"PIR value: {pir.value()}     Status: Motion detected!")
       print(f"PIR value: {pir.value()}     Status: Waiting for movement...")

    # PIR sensor would check for movement every second