# Project objectives:
# Read inputs from the potentiometer and display values to the console
# Convert analog values to voltage then display it to the console
# Hardware and connections used:
# Potentiometer SIG pin to GPIO Pin 28 (capable of ADC)
# Programmer: Adrian Josele G. Quional
# modules
from machine import Pin, ADC # ADC class is needed to create an ADC object
from time import sleep
# creating an ADC object, specifying GPIO Pin 28 as the INPUT pin
adc = ADC(Pin(28))
# Note: GPIO Pins capable of ADC are GPIO Pin 26-28 only
# continuously read data from the potentiometer and display the values to the console
while True:
# reading analog values from the potentiometer
analog_value = adc.read_u16()
print(f"Analog value: {analog_value}")
# converting analog values to voltage
voltage = analog_value * (3.3 / 65535)
print(f"Voltage: {voltage}")