void setup() {

void loop() {
  // Define two large numbers as character arrays
  char num1[] = "9057917594432764628576357384957674891234567892567324516898356";
  char num2[] = "8173295724676237656943720173645857659876543213890182645738928";
  // Determine the length of each number
  int len1 = strlen(num1);
  int len2 = strlen(num2);
  // Create a result array with space for the maximum number of digits
  int resultSize = len1 + len2;
  int result[resultSize];
  memset(result, 0, sizeof(result)); // initialize result array with zeros
  // Multiply each digit of num1 by each digit of num2
  for (int i = 0; i < len1; i++) {
    int digit1 = num1[len1-i-1] - '0'; // convert char to int and read from right to left
    int carry = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < len2; j++) {
      int digit2 = num2[len2-j-1] - '0'; // convert char to int and read from right to left
      int product = digit1 * digit2 + carry + result[i+j];
      carry = product / 10;
      result[i+j] = product % 10;
    if (carry > 0) {
      result[i+len2] += carry;
  // Trim leading zeros from result
  int resultEnd = resultSize-1;
  while (result[resultEnd] == 0 && resultEnd > 0) {
  // Print the result to the Serial Monitor
  Serial.print("Result: ");
  for (int i = resultEnd; i >= 0; i--) {