const byte button_pin   [] = {13, 12, 11, 10};    // buttons are connected to these pins
const byte led_echo_pin [] = { 9,  8,  7,  6};    // likewise for the leds
const byte led_long_pin [] = { 5,  4,  3,  2};

class Button {

    const byte    _button;
    const byte    _led_echo;
    const byte    _led_long;
    int           _state;
    unsigned long _buttonDownMs;


    Button(byte index) :
      _button  ( button_pin  [index] ),  // Initialization List,
      _led_echo( led_echo_pin[index] ),  // initialize <_led_echo> to the value of <led_echo_pin[index]>
      _led_long( led_long_pin[index] )

    void setup() {
      pinMode(_button,   INPUT_PULLUP);
      pinMode(_led_echo, OUTPUT      );
      pinMode(_led_long, OUTPUT      );

      _state = HIGH;

    void loop() {

      int prevState = _state;

      _state = digitalRead(_button);                     // check button
      if (prevState != _state) {                         // button state changed
        digitalWrite(_led_echo, !_state);

        if (_state == LOW) {                             // button pressed
          _buttonDownMs = millis();

        else {
          if (millis() - _buttonDownMs < 100) {          // ignore this for debounce
          else if (millis() - _buttonDownMs < 1000) {    // short click
            digitalWrite(_led_long, HIGH);
          else  {                                        // long click
            digitalWrite(_led_long, LOW);

Button MyButton [] = {Button(0), Button(1), Button(2), Button(3)};
//Button MyButton[] = {13, 12, 11, 10};    // buttons do not actuate

void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i<4; i++)  MyButton[i].setup();

void loop() {
  for (int i = 0; i<4; i++)  MyButton[i].loop();