print("This program integrate PIR sensor")

from machine import Pin #Pin declaration
from utime import sleep #delay

motion = False # Initialize motion to zero /false

#Create a function called handle_interrupt 
#Remarks: This function will be called everytime a motion is detacted
def handle_interrupt(pin): #This is a function

  global motion # Motion sentiasa dilihat
  motion = True
  global interrupt_pin
  interrupt_pin = pin 

#Declare the input and output Pin
led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT)
pir = Pin(15, Pin.IN)

# Set an interrupt on PIR sensor using irq()method
pir.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=handle_interrupt)

while True:
  if motion:
    print('Motion detected! LED ON, Interrupt caused by:', interrupt_pin)
    print('Motion stopped!,LED OFF')
    motion = False