// https://wokwi.com/projects/362524913933364225
// https://forum.arduino.cc/t/vex-motor-code-help-need/1088689
# include <Servo.h>
const byte upLimit_Pin = 2;
const byte DownLimit_Pin = 3;
const byte StopBtn_Pin = 4;
const byte servo_Pin = 7;
const byte upLED_Pin = 8;
const byte downLED_Pin = 9;
Servo aServo;
boolean printed = false;
void setup(){
Serial.println("\nhello world.\n");
pinMode(upLimit_Pin , INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(DownLimit_Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(StopBtn_Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(upLED_Pin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(downLED_Pin, OUTPUT);
int servoState = 1;
int lastServoState = 1;
void loop() {
if (!digitalRead(upLimit_Pin)) {
servoState = -1;
//Serial.println(" gonna go DOWN now! ");
if (!digitalRead(DownLimit_Pin)) {
servoState = 1;
//Serial.println(" gonna UP now. ");
if (!digitalRead(StopBtn_Pin)) {
servoState = 0;
//Serial.println(" gonna stop now. ");
void printStateOnChange() {
// check if variable "servoState" has changed
// its value since last call of this function
if (lastServoState != servoState) {
// if it has rEALLY changed its value
lastServoState = servoState; // update lastServoState
if (servoState == -1) {
Serial.println("going DOWN now.");
if (servoState == 1) {
Serial.println("going UP now!");
if (servoState == 0) {
// servo and limit LEDs
static unsigned long lastTwitch;
if (millis() - lastTwitch < 50) return;
lastTwitch = millis();
static int position = 90;
position -= servoState << 2;
position = constrain(position, 0, 180);
if (position == 0) position = 5;
if (position == 180) position = 175;
digitalWrite(upLED_Pin, position < 25);
digitalWrite(downLED_Pin, position > 155);