# Tiny Tapeout 3  ---> Water Level Indicator With Auto-Motor Control 

### Description 
FSM design to show the water level of tank also control the Motor to fill the tank.

|Colour| Meaning|
|------   |---------|
| Green   | Full|
|Yellow1  | Half1|
|Yellow2  |Half2|
|Red      |Empty|

| input   | Function| 
|---------|--------- |
| 1       | clock    | 
| 2       | input A  | 
| 3       | input B  |
|OUTPUT   | Function |
| 1       | Full     | 
| 2       | Half1    | 
| 3       | Half2    |
| 4       | Empty    | 
| 5       | Motor    |

### Working 

As water level of tank decreases/increases LED glow according to it. 
when water level touches the last then motor start and run until full the tank.

First 4 flip flop uses as synchroniser.

Logic circuits to control the states using D-flip flop.

Use this template to start your Tiny Tapeout 3 project. 

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