#include <Servo.h>
// create servo objects
Servo rotaryServo; // Servo to rotate the marbles
// define Varibles
int fwdPin = 4; // The number of the Solenoid Active LED pin
int stpPin = 6; // The number of the Solenoid pin
int revPin = 8;
int strtStpPin = 11; // The number of the Start Stop pin
int pressState1 = LOW; // pressState 1 is used to debounce StartStop button, it is what the button is when first checked
int pressState2 = LOW; // pressState 2 is used to debounce StartStop button, it is what the button is on the second check
int pressStateLast = HIGH; // pressStateLast is used to store what the button push was last time it was checked to make sure it doesn't repeat
int pressStateCounter = 0; // PressStateCounter is used to count the button pushes for different modes 0=0ff, 1=run forward, 2=off, 3=run reverse
int deBug = 0;
void setup() {
// Initialize the Solenoid Active LED pin, the Solenoid pin as an outputs and the Start Stop pin as an Input
pinMode(fwdPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(stpPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(revPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(strtStpPin, INPUT);
// start serial communication
void loop() {
// Read in the Start Stop Button, debounce signal and increment the Press State Mode
if (digitalRead (strtStpPin) == LOW and pressStateLast == HIGH)
{ pressState1 = digitalRead(strtStpPin);
delay(5); //change to 25 or 10 if problem with button press needing to be too long
pressState2 = digitalRead(strtStpPin);
if(pressState1 == pressState2)
{ pressStateCounter = pressStateCounter + 1;
pressStateLast = pressState2;
if (pressStateCounter > 3)
pressStateCounter = 0; //Set pressStateCounter back to 0 if it is greater than 3
if (digitalRead (strtStpPin) == HIGH and pressStateLast == LOW)
pressStateLast = HIGH;
Serial.println( digitalRead (strtStpPin));
if (pressStateCounter == 1)
digitalWrite(fwdPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(revPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(stpPin, LOW);
if (pressStateCounter == 3)
digitalWrite(fwdPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(revPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(stpPin, LOW);
if (pressStateCounter == 0 or pressStateCounter == 2)
digitalWrite(fwdPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(revPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(stpPin, HIGH);