
#include <FastLED.h>

#define NUM_LEDS 36
const CHSV hsv_colour = CHSV(25, 200, 200);

void setup() {
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, PB1, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
  // Set the global brightness to the `value` of the HSV colour.
  // The main loop will fade up to `value` 255, which helps FastLED's
  // temporal dithering to increase the apparent bit depth.

void loop() {
  // smaller numbers give wider gradients
  uint16_t gradientslope = 1800;
  // how quickly the gradient moves along the strip, in 1/256ths of a pixel per frame
  uint16_t gradientspeed = 50;
  // position of gradient at power up
  static int32_t gradientval = 0;

  // if the fade in hasn't yet completed on the last LED
  if (gradientval < 65536 + NUM_LEDS * gradientslope) {
    // accumulate the gradient along the strip of LEDs
    int32_t ledval = gradientval;
    for (uint16_t ledno = 0; ledno < NUM_LEDS; ledno++) {
      // clamp the brightness to the range 0-255
      uint8_t brightness = 0;
      if (ledval > 0) {
        brightness = ledval < 65536 ? ledval / 256 : 255;
      // set this LED to the chosen colour for this point on the gradient
      leds[ledno] = CHSV(hsv_colour.h, hsv_colour.s, brightness);
      // move to next position in the gradient
      ledval -= gradientslope;
    // move the gradient by some amount
    gradientval += gradientspeed;
  } else {
FPS: 0
Power: 0.00W