// we are using the DHTesp library
#include "DHTesp.h"
//declaration of variables
//giving names to sensor pins attached to uC
const int DHT_PIN = 15;
const int LDR = 34;
DHTesp dhtSensor;
int LDR_reading_A0 = 0;
const int RAIN = 5;
int pneumatic_left_open = 18;
int pneumatic_right_open = 19;
int pneumatic_left_close = 21;
int pneumatic_right_close = 22;
int heat_gun_relay = 23;
int exhaust_fan_1_relay = 33;
int exhaust_fan_2_relay = 25;
boolean RAIN_bool;
float temp;
float humidity;
//codes in "void setup" only run once when the uC is turned on
//usually has configuration codes
void setup() {
//selection of baud rate
//setting pin 15 as input to get reading from DHT22
pinMode(DHT_PIN, INPUT);
//using the DHTesp library to configure the sensor to get reading from it
dhtSensor.setup(DHT_PIN, DHTesp::DHT22);
//setting pin 34 as input to get reading from LDR
pinMode(LDR, INPUT);
// setting pin 5 as input to get reading from rain sensor
pinMode(RAIN, INPUT);
//setting pins 18,19,21,22 as output to operate the relays connected to the pneumatic cylinders
pinMode(pneumatic_left_open, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pneumatic_right_open, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pneumatic_left_close, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pneumatic_right_close, OUTPUT);
// settting pin 23 as output to operate relay connected to heat gun
pinMode(heat_gun_relay, OUTPUT);
pinMode(exhaust_fan_1_relay, OUTPUT);
pinMode(exhaust_fan_2_relay, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
TempAndHumidity data = dhtSensor.getTempAndHumidity();
LDR_reading_A0 = analogRead(LDR);
RAIN_bool = digitalRead(RAIN);
temp = data.temperature;
humidity = data.humidity;
Serial.println("Temp: " + String(temp, 2) + "°C");
Serial.println("Humidity: " + String(humidity, 1) + "%");
//as we increase lux (light level), LDR reading decreases
//since ADC is of 12b; (2^12)-1= 4095 is the max reading from LDR
Serial.print("Light Intensity (A0): ");
//we are using digital states to detect rain; 1=yes, 0=no
Serial.print("Rain: ");
//set all pneumatic relays to be off when the "if else loops" are exited
digitalWrite(pneumatic_left_open, LOW);
digitalWrite(pneumatic_right_open, LOW);
digitalWrite(pneumatic_left_close, LOW);
digitalWrite(pneumatic_right_close, LOW);
// if rain is detected OR LDR detects low lux level (night/cloudy) OR its too cold, close roof
// turn on heat gun
// turn on fan
if (RAIN_bool == 1|| LDR_reading_A0 >= 2048){
Serial.println("Night Time / Raining ==> ROOF CLOSED");
//trigger pneumatics to close roof
digitalWrite(pneumatic_left_close, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pneumatic_right_close, HIGH);
//check temp to continue the drying process
if (temp <=30){
//too cold, turn on heater and turn off exhaust fans
digitalWrite(heat_gun_relay, HIGH);
digitalWrite(exhaust_fan_1_relay, LOW);
digitalWrite(exhaust_fan_2_relay, LOW);
Serial.println("Cold ==> FANS OFF, HEATER ON");
else if (temp >= 32){
//too hot, turn off heater, turn on exhaust fans
digitalWrite(exhaust_fan_1_relay, HIGH);
digitalWrite(exhaust_fan_2_relay, HIGH);
Serial.println("Hot ==> FANS ON, HEATER OFF");
// once it is day time, we look at two scenarios
//Day time but cloudy -> roof should be open and heater should be on
//Day time and sunny -> roof should be open but heater should be off
// this is loop condition indicates day time
//Assumption: Day time, LDR reading is less than 2048 due to brightness
// we have used "AND" beacuse the roof should only open in no rain
else if (LDR_reading_A0 < 2048 && RAIN_bool == 0 ){
Serial.println("Day Time / Not Raining ==> ROOF OPEN");
//trigger pneumatics to open roof
digitalWrite(pneumatic_left_open, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pneumatic_right_open, HIGH);
//checking for the two scenarios
//Assumption: LDR reading will be between 1024 and 2047 with high humidity
if (LDR_reading_A0 <= 2047 && LDR_reading_A0 >= 1024){
//turn on heat gun
digitalWrite(heat_gun_relay, HIGH);
Serial.println("Cloudy ==> HEATER ON");
//Assumption: LDR reading will be less than equal to 1023
else if (LDR_reading_A0 <= 1023){
//turn off heat gun
digitalWrite(heat_gun_relay, LOW);
Serial.println("Sunny ==> HEATER OFF");
// one second delay to allow readings to stabilize
// also note that the DHT22 sensor allows us to take readings no less than every second