int IRSensor = 9; // connect ir sensor module to Arduino pin 9

int LED = 13; // conect LED to Arduino pin 13

void setup()


  Serial.begin(115200); // Init Serila at 115200 Baud

  Serial.println("Serial Working"); // Test to check if serial is working or not

  pinMode(IRSensor, INPUT); // IR Sensor pin INPUT

  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); // LED Pin Output



void loop()


  int sensorStatus = digitalRead(IRSensor); // Set the GPIO as Input


  if (sensorStatus == 1) // Check if the pin high or not


    // if the pin is high turn off the onboard Led

    digitalWrite(LED, LOW); // LED LOW

    Serial.println("Motion Ended!"); // print Motion Detected! on the serial monitor window




    //else turn on the onboard LED

    digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); // LED High

    Serial.println("Motion Detected!"); // print Motion Ended! on the serial monitor window

