//! I2C Sensor Reading
//! Exercise
use anyhow::Result;
use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs;
use esp_idf_hal::{
i2c::{I2cConfig, I2cDriver},
use shtcx::{self, PowerMode};
// If using the `binstart` feature of `esp-idf-sys`, always keep this module imported
use esp_idf_sys as _;
// Goals of this exercise:
// - Part1: Instantiate i2c peripheral
// - Part1: Implement one sensor, print sensor values
// - Part2: Implement second sensor on same bus to solve an ownership problem
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let peripherals = Peripherals::take().unwrap();
// 1. Instantiate the SDA and SCL pins, correct pins are in the training material.
// 2. Instantiate the i2c peripheral,I2cDriver, using a I2cConfig of 400kHz
// 3. Create an instance of the SHTC3 sensor.
// 4. Read and print the sensor's device ID.
loop {
// 5. This loop initiates measurements, reads values and prints humidity in % and Temperature in °C.