// The Uart Json Chip parses and responds with the valid json it detects.
// https://github.com/nosknut/rust_chip_inverter/tree/json-chip
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
void printReceivedJson(DynamicJsonDocument &jsonDoc)
String sender = jsonDoc["sender"].as<String>();
String receiver = jsonDoc["receiver"].as<String>();
String topic = jsonDoc["topic"].as<String>();
int temperature = jsonDoc["temperature"].as<int>();
Serial.println("Received data:");
Serial.println("Sender: " + sender);
Serial.println("Receiver: " + receiver);
Serial.println("Topic: " + topic);
Serial.println("Temperature: " + String(temperature));
void sendJson() {
DynamicJsonDocument jsonDoc(500);
jsonDoc["sender"] = "themometer";
jsonDoc["receiver"] = "webserver";
jsonDoc["topic"] = "thermometer-sensor-data";
jsonDoc["temperature"] = 2;
// The chip is able to filter out invalid data
String jsonText = "invalid json text";
serializeJson(jsonDoc, jsonText);
jsonText += "more invalid json text";
// The chip is able to receive the data in separate chunks
Serial1.print(jsonText.substring(0, jsonText.length()/2));
Serial1.print(jsonText.substring(jsonText.length()/2, jsonText.length()));
// Alternatively this can be done without the string
// serializeJson(jsonDoc, Serial1);
void setup()
void readSerial()
// Is there data on the serial port?
if (Serial1.available() > 0)
// Create a variable of the data type DynamicJsonDocument that has a
// capacity of 500 bytes (probably enough for our purposes)
DynamicJsonDocument jsonDoc(500);
// Read the string coming from the "Serial" port, find the variables
// and save them in the jsonDoc variable
DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(jsonDoc, Serial1);
// If there is an error, print it out
// and return from (stop running) the function
if (error != DeserializationError::Ok)
Serial.print(F("deserializeJson() failed with the error message: "));
void loop()