// https://wokwi.com/projects/371823955470390273
// https://forum.arduino.cc/t/weight-sensor-buzzer-problem/1153593
# define anLED 7
void setup() {
Serial.println(" scale thing");
pinMode(anLED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(anLED, LOW);
bool doIt; // flag for mass went over 100. is only ever true or false.
void loop() {
delay(250); // just to slow down printing and stuff
// read the mass. slide fader is proxy for all the scale stuff
int mass = analogRead(A0) / 8; // will range from 0 to 127 or so
Serial.print("mass = "); Serial.println(mass);
if (mass < 40) {
if (digitalRead(anLED) == HIGH) {
Serial.println(" turn the LED off.");
digitalWrite(anLED, LOW);
static bool oldOverweight;
bool newOverweight = mass > 100;
// if (newOverweight and not oldOverweight) {
if (newOverweight && !oldOverweight) {
doIt = true;
oldOverweight = newOverweight; // for next time
// now doIt will say if the mass _became_ greater than 100
if (doIt) {
Serial.println(" turn the LED on.");
digitalWrite(anLED, HIGH);
doIt = false; // don't do it again! must _become_ 100 again first.
delay(25); // poor man's debouncing. crude but effective