import machine
import time

# Define the GPIO pin number where the buzzer is connected
BUZZER_PIN = 13  # Change this to the actual GPIO pin number

# Create a PWM object for the buzzer pin
buzzer_pwm = machine.PWM(machine.Pin(BUZZER_PIN))

# Function to play a tone on the buzzer for a certain duration
def play_tone(frequency, duration_ms=100):
    buzzer_pwm.freq(frequency)  # Set the PWM frequency for the specified tone
    buzzer_pwm.duty(512)  # Set the duty cycle (50%) to generate the tone
    time.sleep_ms(duration_ms)  # Play the tone for the specified duration
    buzzer_pwm.duty(0)  # Turn off the buzzer

# Example usage: Play a tone of 1000Hz for 500ms
while True:
  for i in range(3):
    play_tone(1000, 500)