#include <MD_Parola.h>
#include <MD_MAX72xx.h>
#include <SPI.h>
// Define the time to wait between iterations in the loop (in milliseconds)
const uint16_t WAIT_TIME = 1000;
// Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface
// NOTE: These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware and may
// need to be adapted
#define MAX_DEVICES 4
#define CLK_PIN 13
#define DATA_PIN 11
#define CS_PIN 53
// Hardware SPI connection
// Define pin numbers for various components
#define IR 3 // Digital Input of the IR sensor module, set the sensitivity using on-board potentiometer, don´t forget to connect +5V and GND
#define COIN 2 // Coin pin of the acceptor is connected to D2 and via 10k resistor to 5v
// Grounds of coin acceptor and arduino are connected
// Coin acceptor is connected to external 12v power supply
// Arduino Uno is powered by +5V
#define BUBBLE 4
// Variables used to measure the intervals between impulses
int i = 0; // The number of loop iterations between impulses
int impulsCount = 0; // Number of impulses detected
unsigned long total_amount = 0; // Sum of all the coins inserted
unsigned long timerFrom; // A variable to keep track of time for bubble display
bool enableRelay; // A flag to enable/disable bubble display
void setup(void)
P.begin(); // Initialize the LED matrix display
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize the serial communication for debugging
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(COIN), incomingImpuls, FALLING); // Attach the interrupt for coin detection
pinMode(IR, INPUT); // Set IR sensor pin as input
pinMode(COIN, INPUT); // Set coin sensor pin as input
pinMode(BUBBLE, INPUT); // Set bubble sensor pin as input
P.print(" 0:00"); // Display initial time on the LED matrix
void loop(void)
i = i + 1; // Increment the loop counter
// Print debug information to the serial monitor
Serial.print(" Impulses:");
Serial.print(" Total:");
// If total_amount is greater than 0 and the IR sensor is active, enable bubble display
if (!enableRelay && total_amount > 0 && digitalRead(IR) == true) {
enableRelay = true;
digitalWrite(BUBBLE, HIGH); // Turn on the bubble display
timerFrom = millis(); // Record the current time
// If bubble display is enabled and the time has elapsed, disable bubble relay
if (enableRelay && timerFrom + total_amount < millis()) {
enableRelay = false;
total_amount = 0; // Reset the inserted money timer
digitalWrite(BUBBLE, LOW); // Turn off the bubble display
// If bubble display is enabled, calculate the remaining time in minutes and seconds
if (enableRelay) {
int seconds = ((timerFrom - millis()) + total_amount) / 1000; // Calculate remaining time and covert it to seconds
int minutes = 0; // Initialize minutes to 0
// Convert seconds to minutes if it exceeds 60 seconds
while (seconds > 60) {
seconds = seconds - 60;
// Create a formatted time string in the format " mm:ss"
String time;
if (seconds < 10) // Add a leading zero for single-digit seconds
time = " " + String(minutes) + ":0" + String(seconds);
time = " " + String(minutes) + ":" + String(seconds);
P.print(time); // Display the time on the LED matrix
else {
int seconds = total_amount / 1000; // Convert total_amount (in milliseconds) to seconds
int minutes = 0; // Initialize minutes to 0
// Convert seconds to minutes if it exceeds 60 seconds
while (seconds > 60) {
seconds = seconds - 60;
// Create a formatted time string in the format " mm:ss"
String time;
if (seconds < 10) // Add a leading zero for single-digit seconds
time = " " + String(minutes) + ":0" + String(seconds);
time = " " + String(minutes) + ":" + String(seconds);
P.print(time); // Display the time on the LED matrix
// If i is greater than or equal to 30 (approximately 1 second) and impulsCount matches a specific value, add the corresponding coin amount to total_amount and enable bubble display
if (i >= 30 && impulsCount == 1) {
Serial.println("1 penny");
total_amount = total_amount + 1000; // Add 1 penny (1000 milliseconds) to total_amount
impulsCount = 0; // Reset impulsCount
} else if (i >= 30 && impulsCount == 2) {
Serial.println("5 penny");
total_amount = total_amount + 5000; // Add 5 penny (5000 milliseconds) to total_amount
impulsCount = 0; // Reset impulsCount
} else if (i >= 30 && impulsCount == 3) {
Serial.println("10 penny");
total_amount = total_amount + 10000; // Add 10 penny (10000 milliseconds) to total_amount
impulsCount = 0; // Reset impulsCount
} else if (i >= 30 && impulsCount == 4) {
Serial.println("25 penny");
total_amount = total_amount + 25000; // Add 25 penny (25000 milliseconds) to total_amount
impulsCount = 0; // Reset impulsCount
} else if (i >= 30 && impulsCount == 5) {
Serial.println("50 penny");
total_amount = total_amount + 50000; // Add 50 penny (50000 milliseconds) to total_amount
impulsCount = 0; // Reset impulsCount
} else if (i >= 30 && impulsCount >= 6) {
Serial.println("1 dollar");
total_amount = total_amount + 100000; // Add 1 dollar (100000 milliseconds) to total_amount
impulsCount = 0; // Reset impulsCount
// Interrupt service routine for coin detection
void incomingImpuls()
impulsCount = impulsCount + 1; // Increment impulsCount when a coin is detected
i = 0; // Reset the loop counter to measure intervals between impulses