########## IMPORT REQUIRED LIBRARIES ##########
import bluetooth
import ble_uart
from ble_uart_peripheral import BLEUART
from machine import Pin
led_verte=Pin(23, Pin.OUT)
led_bleu=Pin(22, Pin.OUT)
led_jaune=Pin(21, Pin.OUT)
# Create BLE object
ble = bluetooth.BLE()
# Open UART session for BLE
uart = BLEUART(ble)
# Define ISR for an UART input on BLE connection
def on_rx():
    # Read UART string, AppInventor sends raw bytes
    uart_in = uart.read() # lire le message recu du Smartphone via Bluetooth
    print("UART IN: ", uart_in.decode()) # display the message received from the Smartphone on the Thonny console
    if (uart_in.decode().find('v1')==0): 
       led_verte.value(1) # turn on green led
    if (uart_in.decode().find('v0')==0): 
       led_verte.value(0) # turn off green led
    if (uart_in.decode().find('b1')==0): 
       led_bleu.value(1) # turn on blue led
    if (uart_in.decode().find('b0')==0): 
       led_bleu.value(0) # turn off blue led
    if (uart_in.decode().find('j1')==0): 
       led_jaune.value(1) # turn on yellow led
    if (uart_in.decode().find('j0')==0): 
       led_jaune.value(0) # turn off yellow led
    # Map ISR to UART read interrupt