# CircuitPython HID Macro Keyboary
# Copyright 2021 github.com/Skyfighter64
import board
import digitalio
import usb_hid
import time
from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard
from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode
from adafruit_hid.consumer_control import ConsumerControl
from adafruit_hid.consumer_control_code import ConsumerControlCode
import neopixel
# define the available key types
class KeyType():
# no action for this key
NONE = 0
# standard letters, numbers, and keyboard keys
KEY = 1
# media keys like volume or play/pause
# switch makro layers
# change lighting
# define available layer switch actions
class Layer():
# switch to the layer while the key is pressed
PEEK = 0
# switch layers when key was pressed
# define available lighting modification actions
class Lighting():
# turn the LEDs on/off by setting their brightness to 0.5 / 0
# increase the brightness of all leds in small steps
# decrease the brightness of all leds
# keymap formats:
# (KeyType.NONE,)
# or
# (KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.A, Keycode.B, ...))
# or
# (KeyType.MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.VOLUME_DECREMENT)
# or
# (KeyType.LAYER, (Layer.SWITCH, 1))
# or
# note: for one-element Keycodes, an extra comma is needed
# Example: (KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.A,))
# ^
# See python docs of touple for more details
# For a list of all available Keycodes and ConsumerControlCodes, see:
# https://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/projects/hid/en/latest/api.html#adafruit-hid-keycode-keycode
# and
# https://circuitpython.readthedocs.io/projects/hid/en/latest/api.html#adafruit-hid-consumer-control-code-consumercontrolcode
# keymap containing all key layers with all key presses
# every i'th entry corresponds to the i'th button in the "pins" list
keymap = [
# layer 0 (default):
(KeyType.MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.VOLUME_INCREMENT), #Volume UP
(KeyType.MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.VOLUME_DECREMENT), # Volume Down
(KeyType.MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.MUTE), # Volume Mute
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.ALT, Keycode.F10)), # shadowplay
(KeyType.MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.SCAN_NEXT_TRACK),
(KeyType.MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.PLAY_PAUSE),
(KeyType.MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode.SCAN_PREVIOUS_TRACK),
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.WINDOWS, Keycode.PRINT_SCREEN)),
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.F20,)), # Extra F Keys for program Hotkeys
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.F21,)),
(KeyType.LAYER, (Layer.SWITCH, 1)), # switch to makro layer 1
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.F23,))
# layer 1:
(KeyType.LIGHTING, Lighting.INCREASE_BRIGHTNESS), # adjust lighting brightness
(KeyType.LIGHTING, Lighting.TOGGLE),
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.F16,)), # more extra F keys for custom program hotkeys
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.F17,)),
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.F18,)),
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.F19,)),
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.CONTROL, Keycode.F13)),
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.CONTROL,Keycode.F14,)),
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.CONTROL,Keycode.F15,)),
(KeyType.LAYER, (Layer.SWITCH, 0)), # switch back to makro layer 0 when pressed]
(KeyType.KEY, (Keycode.CONTROL,Keycode.F16,))
# initialize the internal LED
led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.LED)
led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT
keyboard = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices)
consumer_control = ConsumerControl(usb_hid.devices)
# the gpio pins at which each button is connected
pins = [board.GP10, board.GP11, board.GP12]
buttons = []
# initialize neopixel leds
leds = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.GP28, 1, brightness=0.5, auto_write=False)
# variable for the currently active layer
activeLayer = 0
previousLayer = 0
# variable containing the previous layer if peeking or 'None' if not peeking
# initialize buttons as input with an internal Pull UP resistor
for pin in pins:
button = digitalio.DigitalInOut(pin)
# initialize the last states with False
last_states = [False] * len(buttons)
# function sending the pressed key event for the given key touple defined in the keymap
# @param key: a touple of the structure (KeyType.KEY, (Keycode[, Keycode, ...]))
# or (KeyType.MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode)
# or (KeyType.LAYER, (Layer.SWITCH | Layer.PEEK, layer index : int))
# or (KeyType.LIGHTING, [Lighting Action])
# or (KeyType.NONE, [...])
def PressKey(key):
# reference global variables
global activeLayer
global previousLayer
global leds
# check for standard key actions
if (key[0] == KeyType.KEY):
except ValueError:
# more than 6 keys were pressed
# this is forbidden by the library
# check for media key actions
elif (key[0] == KeyType.MEDIA):
# check for layer actions
elif (key[0] == KeyType.LAYER):
# switch to the layer
previousLayer = activeLayer
activeLayer = key[1][1]
# check for lighting actions
elif (key[0] == KeyType.LIGHTING):
# check for lighting off action
if(key[1] == Lighting.TOGGLE):
if (leds.brightness == 0):
leds.brightness = 0.5
leds.brightness = 0
elif(key[1] == Lighting.INCREASE_BRIGHTNESS):
# increase led brightness if possible
newBrightness = leds.brightness + 0.1
if (newBrightness > 1.0):
newBrightness = 1.0
leds.brightness = newBrightness
elif(key[1] == Lighting.DECREASE_BRIGHTNESS):
# decrease led brightness if possible
newBrightness = leds.brightness - 0.1
if (newBrightness < 0):
newBrightness = 0.0
leds.brightness = newBrightness
print("Pressed: " + str(key[1]))
# function sending the released key event for the given key touple
# @param key: a touple of the structure (KeyType.KEY, (Keycode[, Keycode, ...]))
# or (KeyType.MEDIA, ConsumerControlCode)
# or (KeyType.LAYER, (Layer.SWITCH | Layer.PEEK, layer index : int))
def ReleaseKey(key):
# reference global variables
global activeLayer
global previousLayer
if (key[0] == KeyType.KEY):
elif (key[0] == KeyType.MEDIA):
elif (key[0] == KeyType.LAYER):
# check if layer mode is "PEEK"
if(key[1][0] == Layer.PEEK):
# reset to old layer
activeLayer = previousLayer
print("Released: " + str(key[1]))
# function checking and executing all key presses
def CheckKeys():
# reference global variables
global activeLayer
# loop through all buttons
for i in range(len(buttons)):
# check if the index exceeds the keymap layer's size
if (i >= len(keymap[activeLayer])):
# layer size exceeded, stop checking
# check if a button was pressed
if (not buttons[i].value and last_states[i]) :
# check if button was released
elif ( buttons[i].value and not last_states[i]):
# update the last state
last_states[i] = buttons[i].value
# function defining the lighting of each layer
def UpdateLEDs():
if(activeLayer == 0):
leds[0] = (255, 20, 32)
leds[1] = (125, 255, 32)
leds[2] = (50, 32, 255)
leds[3] = (255, 10, 255)
leds[0] = (200, 20, 180)
leds[1] = (40, 110, 195)
leds[2] = (20, 120, 200)
leds[3] = (220, 20, 160)
# endless main loop
while True:
# set the internal led on when default layer is active
led.value = (activeLayer == 0)
# check for key presses
# set the neopixels
# sleep for debouncing