First demo for FT6206 Capactive Touch Screen on Wokwi. Enjoy!
This is our touchscreen painting example for the Adafruit ILI9341
captouch shield
----> http://www.adafruit.com/products/1947
Check out the links above for our tutorials and wiring diagrams
Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code,
please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing
products from Adafruit!
Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada for Adafruit Industries.
MIT license, all text above must be included in any redistribution
#define SCREEN_Y 240 // Screen sizes are set here.
#define SCREEN_X 320
#define ARROW_OUT 1
#define ARROW_IN 2
#define BAR_LONG 3
#define BAR_SHORT 4
#include "STM32Link.h"
#include "Free_Fonts.h"
#include "GaugeWidgetsStm32.h"
#include <SPI.h> // this is needed for display
TFT_eSprite gdraw = TFT_eSprite(&VV.Lcd);
Gauges myGauges;
Function prototype
void drawHDG (int16_t px0, int16_t py0, int16_t arcSize, int16_t arcWidth, int16_t maxDisplay, int16_t minDisplay,
int16_t startAngle, int16_t arcAngle, bool clockWise, uint8_t gradMarks,
int16_t heading, int16_t navBug, int16_t courseBug);
uint16_t displayBrightness = 100;
Example data values. Usually these are derived from a data input function.
// int16_t px0 = 159;
int16_t px0 = SCREEN_X / 2;
// int16_t py0 = 119;
int16_t py0 = SCREEN_Y / 2;
int16_t arcSize = 110;//радиус шкалы курса
//int16_t arcSize = (SCREEN_X / 2) - 20;
int16_t arcWidth = 18;
int16_t maxDisplay = 280;
int16_t minDisplay = 0;
int16_t startAngle = 270;
int16_t arcAngle = 360;
int16_t clockWise = true;
uint8_t gradMarks = 36;
int16_t heading = 210;
int16_t navBug = 110;
int16_t headingBug = 120;
void setup() {
delay (100);
gdraw.createSprite(SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y);
gdraw.setTextWrap(false); // Very important for scaling
void loop() {
gdraw.fillSprite (TFT_BLACK);
// VV.update();
Change display brightness using panel buttons.
// if (M5.BtnC.wasPressed() && !M5.BtnA.wasPressed() && (displayBrightness > 0)) {
// displayBrightness *= 2; // brightness up
// }
// if (M5.BtnA.wasPressed() && !M5.BtnC.wasPressed() && (displayBrightness <= 255)) {
// displayBrightness /= 2; // brightness down
// }
// if (displayBrightness < 1) displayBrightness = 1;
// if (displayBrightness > 255) displayBrightness = 255;
// M5.Lcd.setBrightness (displayBrightness);
drawHDG (px0, py0, arcSize, arcWidth, maxDisplay, minDisplay, 270 - heading, arcAngle, clockWise,
gradMarks, heading, navBug, headingBug);
gdraw.pushSprite (0, 0);
heading +=2; if (heading>359) heading = 0;
void drawHDG (int16_t px0, int16_t py0, int16_t arcSize, int16_t arcWidth, int16_t maxDisplay, int16_t minDisplay,
int16_t startAngle, int16_t arcAngle, bool clockWise, uint8_t gradMarks,
int16_t heading, int16_t navBug, int16_t headingBug) {
Heading Indicator
myGauges.setRange (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //disables all previously enabled ranges.
myGauges.setRange (1, true, maxDisplay, minDisplay, TFT_BLACK);
uint16_t pointerColor1 = TFT_WHITE;
if (headingBug >= 0 && headingBug <= 360) myGauges.setPointer (1, headingBug, BUG_OUT , TFT_CYAN, '\0');
else myGauges.setPointer (1, 0, 0 , 0, '\0');
if (navBug >= 0 && navBug <= 360) myGauges.setPointer (2, navBug, BUG_OUT, TFT_MAGENTA, '\0');
else myGauges.setPointer (2, 0, 0 , 0, '\0');
Print scale values
if (arcSize >= 135) gdraw.setFreeFont(FSSB12);
gdraw.setTextColor (TFT_LIGHTGREY);
gdraw.setTextDatum (MC_DATUM);
for (uint16_t i = 3; i <= gradMarks; i += 3) {
int16_t headingDraw = minDisplay + i * (maxDisplay - minDisplay) / gradMarks;
int16_t _X0;
if (clockWise) _X0 = px0 + (arcSize - 46) * cos(DEG_TO_RAD * (i * arcAngle / gradMarks + startAngle));
else _X0 = px0 + (arcSize - 46) * -cos(DEG_TO_RAD * (i * arcAngle / gradMarks + startAngle));
int16_t _Y0 = py0 + (arcSize - 46) * sin(DEG_TO_RAD * (i * arcAngle / gradMarks + startAngle));
switch (headingDraw){
case 90:
gdraw.drawString("E", _X0, _Y0, GFXFF);
case 180:
gdraw.drawString("S", _X0, _Y0, GFXFF);
case 270:
gdraw.drawString("W", _X0, _Y0, GFXFF);
case 360:
gdraw.drawString("N", _X0, _Y0, GFXFF);
gdraw.drawString(String(headingDraw/10), _X0, _Y0, GFXFF);
Draw main gauge
myGauges.arcGraph (px0, py0, arcSize, arcWidth , maxDisplay, minDisplay,
startAngle, arcAngle, clockWise, gradMarks);
Draw exterior decorative ring
arcSize = 120;//радиус внешнего серого круга
arcWidth = 5;
gradMarks = 0;
myGauges.setRange (1, true, maxDisplay, minDisplay, TFT_DARKGREY);
myGauges.arcGraph (px0, py0, arcSize, arcWidth , maxDisplay, minDisplay,
startAngle, arcAngle, clockWise, gradMarks);
Draw marker rings
arcSize = 110;//радиус маркеров градусов
arcWidth = 20;//высота этим маркеров
maxDisplay = 360;
minDisplay = 0;
startAngle = 270;
arcAngle = 360;
myGauges.setPointer (1, 90, ARROW_TOP, TFT_ORANGE, '\0');
myGauges.setPointer (2, 180, ARROW_TOP, TFT_ORANGE, '\0');
myGauges.setPointer (3, 270, ARROW_TOP, TFT_ORANGE, '\0');
myGauges.setPointer (4, 360, ARROW_TOP, TFT_ORANGE, '\0');
myGauges.arcGraph (px0, py0, arcSize, arcWidth , maxDisplay, minDisplay,
startAngle, arcAngle, clockWise, gradMarks);
arcWidth = 20;
myGauges.setPointer (1, 45, ARROW_TOP, TFT_LIGHTGREY, '\0');
myGauges.setPointer (2, 135, ARROW_TOP, TFT_LIGHTGREY, '\0');
myGauges.setPointer (3, 225, ARROW_TOP, TFT_LIGHTGREY, '\0');
myGauges.setPointer (4, 315, ARROW_TOP, TFT_LIGHTGREY, '\0');
myGauges.arcGraph (px0, py0, arcSize, arcWidth , maxDisplay, minDisplay,
startAngle, arcAngle, clockWise, gradMarks);
Print values
gdraw.setTextDatum (MC_DATUM);
gdraw.setTextColor (TFT_WHITE);
gdraw.drawString(String(heading), 160, 90);
if (headingBug >= 0 && headingBug <= 360){
gdraw.setTextColor (TFT_CYAN);
gdraw.setTextDatum (BL_DATUM);
gdraw.drawString("HDG", 0, 215);
gdraw.setTextColor (TFT_WHITE);
gdraw.drawString (String(headingBug), 5, 240);
if (navBug >= 0 && navBug <= 360) {
gdraw.setTextColor (TFT_MAGENTA);
gdraw.setTextDatum (BL_DATUM);
gdraw.drawString("NAV", 300, 215);
gdraw.setTextColor (TFT_WHITE);
gdraw.drawString (String(navBug), 300, 240);
Draw Airplane
/ \
/ \
p2 p3
/| |\
/ | | \
/ | | \
/ | p0 | \
p4 -_____p5 p6____- p7
\ /
/\ /\
/ \ / \
/ / p8 \ \
/ / \ \
p9 p10
uint16_t x1 = px0;
uint16_t y1 = py0 - arcSize / 2;
uint16_t x2 = px0 - arcSize / 16;
uint16_t y2 = py0 - 3 * arcSize / 16;
uint16_t x3 = px0 + arcSize / 16;
uint16_t y3 = y2;
uint16_t x4 = px0 - 5 * arcSize / 16;
uint16_t y4 = py0 + arcSize / 4;
uint16_t x5 = x2;
uint16_t y5 = py0 + arcSize / 8;
uint16_t x6 = x3;
uint16_t y6 = y5;
uint16_t x7 = px0 + 5 * arcSize / 16 ;
uint16_t y7 = y4;
uint16_t x8 = px0;
uint16_t y8 = py0 + 5 * arcSize / 16;
uint16_t x9 = px0 - 3 * arcSize / 16;
uint16_t y9 = py0 + 3 * arcSize / 8;
uint16_t x10 = px0 + 3 * arcSize / 16;
uint16_t y10 = y9;
gdraw.drawLine (x1, y1, x2, y2, TFT_ORANGE);
gdraw.drawLine (x2, y2, x5, y5, TFT_ORANGE);
gdraw.drawLine (x5, y5, x8, y8, TFT_ORANGE);
gdraw.drawLine (x1, y1, x3, y3, TFT_ORANGE);
gdraw.drawLine (x3, y3, x6, y6, TFT_ORANGE);
gdraw.drawLine (x6, y6, x8, y8, TFT_ORANGE);
gdraw.drawTriangle (x2, y2, x5, y5, x4, y4, TFT_ORANGE);
gdraw.drawTriangle (x3, y3, x6, y6, x7, y7, TFT_ORANGE);
gdraw.drawTriangle (x5, y5, x9, y9, x8, y8, TFT_ORANGE);
gdraw.drawTriangle (x6, y6, x10, y10, x8, y8, TFT_ORANGE);