int IRSensor=9;//connect ir sensor module to arduino pin 9
int LED=13;//conect LED to arduino pin 13
void setup() {
 Serial.begin(115200);//nit serila at 115200 baud
Serial.println("Serial working");//test to check if serial is working or not
 pinMode(IRSensor, INPUT);//IR Sensor pin INPUT
 pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);//LED pin output
  //  put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
 int sensorstatus=digitalRead(IRSensor);//set the GPIO as INPUT
 if(sensorstatus==1)// check if the pin high or not 
 //if the pin is high turn off the onboard led 
 digitalWrite(LED, LOW);//LED LOW
 Serial.println("Motion ended!");//Pint motion detected! on the serial monitor window
  //else turn on the onboard LED
  digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);//LED high
  Serial.println("motion detected");//print motion Ended! on the serial monitor window
   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: