const int tempPin = 2; //analog input pin constant
int tempVal; // temperature sensor raw readings
float volts; // variable for storing voltage
float temp; // actual temperature variable
void setup()
// start the serial port at 9600 baud
void loop()
//read the temp sensor and store it in tempVal
tempVal = analogRead(tempPin);
volts = tempVal/1023.0; // normalize by the maximum temperature raw reading range
temp = (volts - 0.5) * 100 ; //calculate temperature celsius from voltage as per the equation found on the sensor spec sheet.
Serial.print(" Temperature is: "); // print out the following string to the serial monitor
Serial.print(temp); // in the same line print the temperature
Serial.println (" degrees C"); // still in the same line print degrees C, then go to next line.
delay(1000); // wait for 1 second or 1000 milliseconds before taking the next reading.