One Button and One Three Position Switch:
This example that blinks an LED each time the button
has transitioned. All input pins will have their pullups enabled.
Open the Serial Monitor to view transition status.
#include <Toggle.h>
const byte buttonPin = 2;
const byte swPinA = 3;
const byte swPinB = 4;
//const byte ledPin = 10;
const byte ledPin = LED_BUILTIN;
Toggle sw1(buttonPin); // button
Toggle sw2(swPinA, swPinB); // 3-position switch
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
while (!Serial) { }; // Leonardo
sw2.begin(swPinA, swPinB);
void loop() {
if (sw1.onPress()) Serial.println(F("sw1: OFF⇒ON"));
if (sw1.onRelease()) Serial.println(F("sw1: ON⇒OFF"));
if (sw2.UPtoMID()) Serial.println(F("sw2: UP⇒MID"));
if (sw2.MIDtoDN()) Serial.println(F("sw2: MID⇒DN"));
if (sw2.DNtoMID()) Serial.println(F("sw2: DN⇒MID"));
if (sw2.MIDtoUP()) Serial.println(F("sw2: MID⇒UP"));
digitalWrite(ledPin, sw1.toggle());