#define LED2 2 // Using GPIO2 for this example
#define LED4 4 // Using GPIO2 for this example
#define LED15 15 // Using GPIO2 for this example
void setup() {
pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT); // Set LED_PIN as OUTPUT
pinMode(LED4, OUTPUT); // Set LED_PIN as OUTPUT
pinMode(LED15, OUTPUT); // Set LED_PIN as OUTPUT
void loop() {
// Light Blue Led
digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH); // Turn the LED on
// Pink Led
digitalWrite(LED15, HIGH); // Turn the LED on
delay(500); // Wait for a second
digitalWrite(LED2, LOW); // Turn the LED off
digitalWrite(LED15, LOW); // Turn the LED off
delay(500); // Wait for a second
// Orange Led
digitalWrite(LED4, HIGH); // Turn the LED on
delay(500); // Wait for a second
digitalWrite(LED4, LOW); // Turn the LED off
delay(500); // Wait for a second