
extern crate alloc;
use core::{mem::MaybeUninit, panic};
use hal::{psram, prelude::*, peripherals::Peripherals, spi, timer::TimerGroup, clock::{ClockControl, CpuClock}, Delay, Rtc, Rng, IO};

use embedded_io::blocking::*;
use embedded_svc::ipv4::Interface;
use embedded_svc::wifi::{AccessPointInfo, ClientConfiguration, Configuration, Wifi};

use esp_backtrace as _;
use esp_println::{print, println};
use esp_wifi::wifi::utils::create_network_interface;
use esp_wifi::wifi::{WifiError, WifiMode};
use esp_wifi::wifi_interface::WifiStack;
use esp_wifi::{current_millis, initialize, EspWifiInitFor};

use smoltcp::iface::SocketStorage;
use smoltcp::wire::IpAddress;
use smoltcp::wire::Ipv4Address;

use embedded_hal::blocking::delay::DelayMs;

use embedded_graphics::{
    fonts::{Font24x32, Text},

use ssd1680::prelude::*;
use ssd1680::color::{Black, White};

const SSID: &str = "Wokwi-GUEST";
const PASSWORD: &str = "";

static ALLOCATOR: esp_alloc::EspHeap = esp_alloc::EspHeap::empty();

fn init_heap() {
    const HEAP_SIZE: usize = 32 * 1024;
    static mut HEAP: MaybeUninit<[u8; HEAP_SIZE]> = MaybeUninit::uninit();

    unsafe {
        ALLOCATOR.init(HEAP.as_mut_ptr() as *mut u8, HEAP_SIZE);

fn draw_text(display: &mut Display2in13, text: &str, x: i32, y: i32) {
    let _ = Text::new(text, Point::new(x, y))
            font = Font24x32,
            text_color = Black,
            background_color = White

const fn buffer_len(width: usize, height: usize) -> usize {
    (width + 7) / 8 * height

fn main() -> ! {
    let peripherals = Peripherals::take();

    let mut system = peripherals.DPORT.split();
    let clocks = ClockControl::max(system.clock_control).freeze();

    let timer = hal::timer::TimerGroup::new(
        &mut system.peripheral_clock_control,
    let init = initialize(

    // Create an SPI interface and pins
    let io = IO::new(peripherals.GPIO, peripherals.IO_MUX);
    let mut delay = Delay::new(&clocks);
    let busy = io.pins.gpio4.into_floating_input();
    let rst = io.pins.gpio16.into_push_pull_output();
    let mosi = io.pins.gpio23.into_push_pull_output();
    // let miso = io.pins.gpio19.into_floating_input();
    let sclk = io.pins.gpio18.into_push_pull_output();
    let dc = io.pins.gpio17.into_push_pull_output();
    let cs = io.pins.gpio5.into_push_pull_output();

    let mut spi = spi::Spi::new_no_cs_no_miso(
        &mut system.peripheral_clock_control,

    let mut ssd1680 = Ssd1680::new(&mut spi, cs, busy, dc, rst, &mut delay).unwrap();
    // Initialize ePaper display
    ssd1680.clear_bw_frame(&mut spi).unwrap();

    // // Allocate a buffer
    // let buf_ptr = unsafe { alloc(layout) };
    // let buf_array: &mut [u8; 4050] = unsafe {
    //     &mut *(buf_ptr as *mut [u8; 4050])
    // };

    // let mut nothing_array = alloc::vec![0u8; 500];
    // println!("{:?}",nothing_array[0]);
    let mut buf_array = alloc::vec![0u8; 4000];

    // let first_element_ptr = &buf_array[0] as *const u8;
    // println!("Memory address of first element: {:?}", first_element_ptr);

    // loop that sets first 1000 bytes of buf_array to 255
    for i in 0..4000 {
        buf_array[i] = 255;

    // print buf size for width 122 and height 250
    // println!("buf size: {}", buffer_len(122, 250));
    // // print size of buf_array
    // println!("buf_array size: {}", buf_array.len());

    // println!("buf_array: {:?}", buf_array);
    println!("Creating display_bw");
    // let mut display_bw = match buf_array.try_into() {
    //     Ok(buffer) => {
    //         println!("Buffer converted");
    //         let display = Display2in13::bw_with_buffer(buffer);
    //         println!("Display created");
    //         display
    //     }
    //     ,
    //     Err(e) => {
    //         // Log the error and handle it as appropriate for your application.
    //         println!("Error converting buf_array: {:?}", e);
    //         // Returning or handling the error further as needed
    //         panic!("Error converting buf_array: {:?}", e);
    //     }
    // };
    let mut display_bw = Display2in13::bw_with_buffer(buf_array.try_into().unwrap());
    // let mut display_bw = Display2in13::bw();
    println!("Drawing text");

    // draw_text(&mut display_bw, "...", 0, 10); // Assuming draw_text function is defined

    // match ssd1680.update_bw_frame(&mut spi, display_bw.buffer()) {
    //     Ok(_) => println!("Update frame success"),
    //     Err(e) => println!("Update frame error {:?}", e),
    // }

    // match ssd1680.display_frame(&mut spi, &mut delay) {
    //     Ok(_) => println!("Display frame success"),
    //     Err(e) => println!("Display frame error {:?}", e),
    // }

    // Initialize WiFi
    let (wifi, ..) = peripherals.RADIO.split();
    println!("Allocating sockets");
    let mut socket_set_entries: [SocketStorage; 5] = Default::default();
    println!("Acquiring WiFi interface");
    let (iface, device, mut controller, sockets) =
        match create_network_interface(&init, wifi, WifiMode::Sta, &mut socket_set_entries)
            Ok(val) => val,
            Err(_) => {
                let err_msg = "Network init failed";
                // draw_text(&mut display_bw, err_msg, 0, 0); // Assuming draw_text function is defined
                // ssd1680.update_bw_frame(&mut spi, display_bw.buffer()).unwrap();
                // ssd1680.display_frame(&mut spi, &mut delay).unwrap();
                // Log the error message to serial console or another debugging interface
                print!("{}", err_msg);
                loop {}
    println!("Creating WifiStack");
    let wifi_stack = WifiStack::new(iface, device, sockets, current_millis);
    println!("Creating ClientConfiguration");
    let client_config = Configuration::Client(ClientConfiguration {
        ssid: SSID.into(),
        password: PASSWORD.into(),
    println!("Setting configuration");
    println!("Starting WiFi controller");
    // println!("buf_array: {:?}", display_bw.buffer());
    match controller.start() {
        Ok(_) => println!("WiFi controller started"),
        Err(e) => println!("WiFi controller error {:?}", e),
    // println!("is wifi started: {:?}", controller.is_started());
    // println!("Creating display_bw");
    // let mut display_bw = match buf_array.try_into() {
    //     Ok(buffer) => {
    //         println!("Buffer converted");
    //         let display = Display2in13::bw_with_buffer(buffer);
    //         println!("Display created");
    //         display
    //     }
    //     ,
    //     Err(e) => {
    //         // Log the error and handle it as appropriate for your application.
    //         println!("Error converting buf_array: {:?}", e);
    //         // Returning or handling the error further as needed
    //         panic!("Error converting buf_array: {:?}", e);
    //     }
    // };
    // let mut display_bw = Display2in13::bw_with_buffer(buf_array.try_into().unwrap());

    println!("Start Wifi Scan");
    let res: Result<(heapless::Vec<AccessPointInfo, 10>, usize), WifiError> = controller.scan_n();
    if let Ok((res, _count)) = res {
        for ap in res {
            println!("{:?}", ap);

    println!("{:?}", controller.get_capabilities());
    println!("wifi_connect {:?}", controller.connect());

    // wait to get connected
    println!("Wait to get connected");
    loop {
        let res = controller.is_connected();
        match res {
            Ok(connected) => {
                if connected {
            Err(err) => {
                println!("WiFi Error - {:?} - delay 1000 ms", err);
    println!("Is connected: {:?}", controller.is_connected());

    // wait for getting an ip address
    println!("Wait to get an ip address");
    loop {

        if wifi_stack.is_iface_up() {
            println!("got ip {:?}", wifi_stack.get_ip_info());
    println!("Start busy loop on main");

    let mut rx_buffer = [0u8; 1536];
    let mut tx_buffer = [0u8; 1536];
    let mut buffer = [0u8; 512];

    let mut socket = wifi_stack.get_socket(&mut rx_buffer, &mut tx_buffer);

    loop {
        println!("Making HTTP request");
        println!("Opening socket");

        match socket.open(IpAddress::Ipv4(Ipv4Address::new(93, 99, 115, 9)), 80) {
            Ok(_) => {
                // Successfully opened the socket
                // Continue with the next steps
            Err(e) => {
                println!("error{:?}", e);

        println!("Sendig GET request");
            .write(b"GET /info.txt HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: iot.georgik.rocks\r\n\r\n")

        let wait_end = current_millis() + 20 * 1000;
        // A fixed-size buffer to hold the HTTP response.
        let mut full_response = [0u8; 2048];
        let mut full_len = 0;

        println!("Reading response");
        // Read the HTTP response into the buffer.
        loop {
            if let Ok(len) = socket.read(&mut buffer) {
                // Copy the newly read bytes into `full_response`.
                full_response[full_len..full_len + len].copy_from_slice(&buffer[0..len]);
                full_len += len;
                println!("Read {} bytes", len);
            } else {
                println!("Read error");

            if current_millis() > wait_end {

        // Search for the double CRLF sequence to find the start of the HTTP body.
        let mut body_start = 0;
        for i in 0..(full_len - 3) {
            if &full_response[i..i + 4] == b"\r\n\r\n" {
                body_start = i + 4;
        if body_start != 0 {
            let body = &full_response[body_start..full_len];
            let to_print = unsafe { core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(body) };
            draw_text(&mut display_bw, &to_print, 0, 10); // Assuming draw_text function is defined
            print!("{}", to_print);

        println!("Closing socket");


        println!("Updating frame");
        ssd1680.update_bw_frame(&mut spi, display_bw.buffer()).unwrap();
        println!("Updating display");
        ssd1680.display_frame(&mut spi, &mut delay).unwrap();

        // Delay before repeating
        println!("Waking up");