// V8.1 Adapted for Wokwi - (On Simulide Works, on Wokwi not yet - September 2023
// ***********************************************
// Original Project by Greg06 visit: https://www.instructables.com/Automated-Chessboard/
// This is adapted for Linear Hall Sensor, instead Reed Switch or Unipolar Hall Sensor
// To use in SimulIde
// ***********************************************
// Changes from Original
// Pins changed
// Use Arduino Mega (Memory Problems with Nano)
// Use Analog Hall Sensor (Solve White eating Problem)
// Test your own Linear Hall for define the parameters.
// added a Matrix Led 8x8 MAX7219 (For better check the Sensors)
// Added a H-Bridge L298 Added (For PMW the Electromagnet if needed)
// Start Interface Changed
// Changes in V8 ¡¡ (Not Finished - Work HvsH - Not Work HvsC after no valid move, no show on LCD not valid move and motors moves white and black like eating) !!
// Case Game Over implemented. Falta!!
// Fixed LCD show No Valid Move on HvsC Game. Falta !! Solo lo muestra en HvsH
// Fixed Motors have to move only on HvsC Black moves. Falta!! mueven luego de Jugada Invalida!! (Repiten ultimo novimiento Negras)
// White Pieces one Magnet Force N32 (Diam: 6mmx3) - Black Other Magnet Force N52 same size (Diam: 6mmx3)
// B&W with the same Polarization.
// So diferent Force magnets made diferent outputs from Hall Sensor
// Keep the same polarization for B&W avoid electromagnet problems
// Change polarization of the Electromagnet not work proprertly, so is better to keep same polarization for all pieces
// Sensors only works when the Player Turn's end. (Previous versions works all time)
// Record Sensors Positions only if Move is Valid (Previous versions change the position when Invalid move was made, and game can't continue)
// Detected Limitations
// Promotion: Only to Queen, other pieces not implemented yet
// En passant eating, not implemented yet (Code need to recognize three sensor´s magnet changes)
// ****************************** INCLUDING FILES
#include "global_V3.h" // SPK Adapted for Linear MUX and new devices
#include "Micro_Max.h"
#include <Wire.h>
#include "LedControl.h" // Added for Matrix Led based on MAX7219
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // put this line comment if you are on Simulide
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,2); // put this line comment if you are on Simulide // In Skolodi Case LCD is on 0x27 and not in 0x20
// #include <LiquidCrystal_AIP31068_I2C.h> // erase this line comment if you are on Simulide
// LiquidCrystal_AIP31068_I2C lcd( 0x3E, 16, 2 ); // erase this line comment if you are on Simulide // 3E Changed for Simulide simulation
LedControl lc=LedControl(51,52,53,1); // For A Mega DIN=51 , CLK=52, CS=53, 1 Matrix Led
// **************************************** SETUP
void setup() {
// Electromagnet H-Bridge V7
pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
// Matrix Led V7
lc.shutdown(0,false); // Turn on matriz Led
lc.setIntensity(0,4); // Set Intensity of Led
lc.clearDisplay(0); // Turn off leds
// Motor
// Multiplexer
// Option for reduce MUX from 4 to 2 analized, but lattence appears and a lot of Diodes needed, so decided Mantain 4 MUX
for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
pinMode (MUX_ADDR [i], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(MUX_ADDR [i], LOW);
pinMode (MUX_SELECT [i], OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(MUX_SELECT [i], HIGH);
// Set the sensors status V7
Serial.println(" Set Sensors Status V7");
Serial.println(" +-----------------+");
for (byte i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(8 - i);
Serial.print("| ");
for (byte j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
reed_sensor_status[7-i][j] = -1;
reed_sensor_status_memory[7-i][j] = -1;
Serial.print(' ');
for (byte i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(8 - i);
Serial.print("| ");
for (byte j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
reed_sensor_status[7-i][j] = 0;
reed_sensor_status_memory[7-i][j] = 0;
Serial.print(' ');
for (byte i = 6; i < 8; i++) {
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(8 - i);
Serial.print("| ");
for (byte j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
reed_sensor_status[7-i][j] = 1;
reed_sensor_status_memory[7-i][j] = 1;
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.println(" +-----------------+");
Serial.println(" a b c d e f g h");
// MicroMax
lastH[0] = 0;
// LCD
// Countdown
timer = millis();
// Arcade button - Limit Switch
// ***************************************** LOOP
void loop()
switch (sequence)
case start:
if (button(WHITE) == true)
{ // White=Down Button , Black Enter Button.
if (MenuItemSelected>3)
// game_mode = HvsH;
else if (button(BLACK) == true)
{ // Button Black is Enter
switch (MenuItemSelected)
case 0:
initial_record_sensors(); // SPK V7
sequence= player_white;
case 2:
game_mode = HvsC;
sequence = calibration;
initial_record_sensors(); // SPK V7
break; // break Case Start
case calibration:
sequence = player_white;
case player_white:
if (millis() - timer > 995) // When 1 second passed
countdown(); // Rest 1 second. If New Turn, save time and change turn
lcd_display(); // Show the time
//detect_human_movement(); // V7 SPK Move down for check sensors only when the button is press
if (button(WHITE) == true)
{ // White player end turn
detect_human_movement(); // V7 SPK move here - Check the sensors
player_displacement(); // Save and convert on coordinates the previous move and the last move
if (game_mode == HvsH)
AI_HvsH(); // Chekc is movement is valid
if (no_valid_move == false)
record_sensors(); // SPK V7
new_turn_countdown = true; // V8.1 Set the New turn, works when countdown is called
sequence = player_black;
break; // V8.1 go out of the sequence to start case Player Black
else if (no_valid_move == true) // V8.1 change else for esle if
{ // V8
serialBoard(); // V8.1 Show Serial Board
lcd_display(); // Show No Valid Move, change state of No Valid Move and return
break; // V8.1 Have to break to start Player White case again
} // V8
else if (game_mode == HvsC)
AI_HvsC(); // Chekc is movement is valid
if (no_valid_move == false)
{ // V8
record_sensors(); // V8
new_turn_countdown = true; // V8.1 Set the New turn, works when countdown is called
sequence = player_black; // V8
break; // V8.1 go out of the sequence to start case Player Black
else if (no_valid_move == true) // V8.1 change else for esle if
{ // V8.1
serialBoard(); // V8.1 Show Serial Board
lcd_display(); // V8
sequence = player_white; // V8.1
break; // V8.1 go out of the sequence to start case Player White
} // V8.1
} // V8.1 close Button White
break; // break case Player White
case player_black:
if (millis() - timer > 995) // V8.1 clock for Computer Showed.
countdown(); // Rest 1 second. If New Turn, save time and change turn
lcd_display(); // Show the time
// Game mode HvsH
if (game_mode == HvsH)
if (millis() - timer > 995) // When 1 second passed
countdown(); // Rest 1 second. If New Turn, save time and change turn
lcd_display(); // Show the time
if (button(BLACK) == true)
{ // Black human player end turn
detect_human_movement(); // V7 moved here - detect sensors
player_displacement(); // Save and convert on coordinates the previous move and the last move
AI_HvsH(); // Chekc is movement is valid
if (no_valid_move == false)
record_sensors(); // SPK V7
new_turn_countdown = true;// V8.1 moved. Set the New turn, works when countdown is called
sequence = player_white;
break; // V8.1 go out of the sequence to start case Player White
else if (no_valid_move == true) // V8.1 change else for esle if
sequence = player_black;//V8.1
break; // V8.1 go out of the sequence to start again case Player black
} // Close HvsH mode
// Game mode HvsC
else if (game_mode == HvsC)
black_player_movement(); // Move the black chess piece
record_sensors(); // SPK V7
new_turn_countdown = true;// V8.1 moved. Set the New turn, works when countdown is called
sequence = player_white;
break; // V8.1 go out of the sequence to start case Player White
break; // break player_black case
// } // V8.1 moved up // Close "if (button(WHITE)" on Case Player_white If } moved up, (was here on Original Greg06 code)
case game_over: // V8.1 added the Game Over case
for (;;); // V8.1 infinite For, to collapse Arduino and have to restart when Game Over (Same as on Micromax)
} // Close Swich sequence
} // close Loop
// *************************************** SWITCH
boolean button(byte type) {
if (type == WHITE && digitalRead(BUTTON_WHITE_SWITCH_MOTOR_WHITE) != HIGH) {
return true;
if (type == BLACK && digitalRead(BUTTON_BLACK_SWITCH_MOTOR_BLACK) != HIGH) {
return true;
return false;
// ************************************ CALIBRATE
void calibrate() {
// Slow displacements up to touch the limit switches
while (digitalRead(BUTTON_WHITE_SWITCH_MOTOR_WHITE) == HIGH) motor(B_T, SPEED_SLOW, calibrate_speed);
while (digitalRead(BUTTON_BLACK_SWITCH_MOTOR_BLACK) == HIGH) motor(L_R, SPEED_SLOW, calibrate_speed);
// Rapid displacements up to the Black start position (e7)
// **************************************** MOTOR
void motor(byte direction, int speed, float distance)
float step_number = 0;
// Calcul the distance
if (distance == calibrate_speed) step_number = 4;
else if (direction == LR_BT || direction == RL_TB || direction == LR_TB || direction == RL_BT) step_number = distance * SQUARE_SIZE * 1.44; // Add an extra length for the diagonal
else step_number = distance * SQUARE_SIZE;
// Direction of the motor rotation
if (direction == R_L || direction == T_B || direction == RL_TB) digitalWrite(MOTOR_WHITE_DIR, HIGH);
else digitalWrite(MOTOR_WHITE_DIR, LOW);
if (direction == B_T || direction == R_L || direction == RL_BT) digitalWrite(MOTOR_BLACK_DIR, HIGH);
else digitalWrite(MOTOR_BLACK_DIR, LOW);
// Active the motors
for (int x = 0; x < step_number; x++)
if (direction == LR_TB || direction == RL_BT) digitalWrite(MOTOR_WHITE_STEP, LOW);
else digitalWrite(MOTOR_WHITE_STEP, HIGH);
if (direction == LR_BT || direction == RL_TB) digitalWrite(MOTOR_BLACK_STEP, LOW);
else digitalWrite(MOTOR_BLACK_STEP, HIGH);
digitalWrite(MOTOR_WHITE_STEP, LOW); // SPK In Simulide after Calibrate this matain HIGH, but actualy the motor doesn't move
digitalWrite(MOTOR_BLACK_STEP, LOW);
// ******************************* ELECTROMAGNET H-Bridge
void electromagnet(boolean state)
if (state == true)
analogWrite(MAGNET, 200); // V8 PWM Electromagnet
digitalWrite(MAGNET, LOW);
// *********************************** COUNTDONW
void countdown()
// Set the time of the current player
if (new_turn_countdown == true )
new_turn_countdown = false;
if (sequence == player_white)
second = second_white;
minute = minute_white;
if (minute_white == 0 && second_white == 0)
{ // V8.1 - When Player time is 0 -> Game Over sequence
black_win = true;
sequence = game_over;
else if (sequence == player_black)
second = second_black;
minute = minute_black;
if (minute_black == 0 && second_black == 0)
{ // V8.1 - When Player time is 0 -> Game Over sequence
white_win = true;
sequence = game_over;
// Countdown
timer = millis();
second = second - 1;
if (second < 1)
second = 60;
minute = minute - 1;
// Record the white player time
if (sequence == player_white)
second_white = second;
minute_white = minute;
// Record the black player time
else if (sequence == player_black)
second_black = second;
minute_black = minute;
} // Close countdown()
// *********************** BLACK PLAYER MOVEMENT
void black_player_movement()
// Convert the AI characters in variables
int departure_coord_X = lastM[0] - 'a' + 1;
int departure_coord_Y = lastM[1] - '0';
int arrival_coord_X = lastM[2] - 'a' + 1;
int arrival_coord_Y = lastM[3] - '0';
byte displacement_X = 0;
byte displacement_Y = 0;
// Trolley displacement to the starting position
int convert_table [] = {0, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0};
byte white_capturing = 1;
if (abs(reed_sensor_status_memory[convert_table[arrival_coord_Y]][arrival_coord_X - 1]) == 1) white_capturing = 0;
// square with wite = 1
// square with black = -1
// square with no piecw = 0
for (byte i = abs(white_capturing); i < 2; i++)
if (i == 0)
displacement_X = abs(arrival_coord_X - trolley_coordinate_X);
displacement_Y = abs(arrival_coord_Y - trolley_coordinate_Y);
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW); // SPK V7 Check the best Electromagnet polarization for set this
digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH); // SPK
Serial.println("Piece White moving");// for debug
else if (i == 1)
displacement_X = abs(departure_coord_X - trolley_coordinate_X);
displacement_Y = abs(departure_coord_Y - trolley_coordinate_Y);
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW); // SPK V7 Same Polarization
digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH); // SPK V7
Serial.println("Piece Black moving");// SPK for debug
if (departure_coord_X > trolley_coordinate_X) motor(T_B, SPEED_FAST, displacement_X);
else if (departure_coord_X < trolley_coordinate_X) motor(B_T, SPEED_FAST, displacement_X);
if (departure_coord_Y > trolley_coordinate_Y) motor(L_R, SPEED_FAST, displacement_Y);
else if (departure_coord_Y < trolley_coordinate_Y) motor(R_L, SPEED_FAST, displacement_Y);
if (i == 0)
motor(R_L, SPEED_SLOW, 0.5);
motor(B_T, SPEED_SLOW, arrival_coord_X - 0.5);
motor(L_R, SPEED_FAST, 0.5);
motor(T_B, SPEED_FAST, arrival_coord_X - 0.5);
trolley_coordinate_X = arrival_coord_X;
trolley_coordinate_Y = arrival_coord_Y;
trolley_coordinate_X = arrival_coord_X;
trolley_coordinate_Y = arrival_coord_Y;
// Move the Black chess piece to the arrival position
displacement_X = abs(arrival_coord_X - departure_coord_X);
displacement_Y = abs(arrival_coord_Y - departure_coord_Y);
// Bishop displacement
if (displacement_X == 1 && displacement_Y == 2 || displacement_X == 2 && displacement_Y == 1)
if (displacement_Y == 2)
if (departure_coord_X < arrival_coord_X)
motor(T_B, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X * 0.5);
if (departure_coord_Y < arrival_coord_Y) motor(L_R, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y);
else motor(R_L, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y);
motor(T_B, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X * 0.5);
else if (departure_coord_X > arrival_coord_X)
motor(B_T, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X * 0.5);
if (departure_coord_Y < arrival_coord_Y) motor(L_R, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y);
else motor(R_L, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y);
motor(B_T, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X * 0.5);
else if (displacement_X == 2)
if (departure_coord_Y < arrival_coord_Y)
motor(L_R, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y * 0.5);
if (departure_coord_X < arrival_coord_X) motor(T_B, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
else motor(B_T, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
motor(L_R, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y * 0.5);
else if (departure_coord_Y > arrival_coord_Y)
motor(R_L, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y * 0.5);
if (departure_coord_X < arrival_coord_X) motor(T_B, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
else motor(B_T, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
motor(R_L, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y * 0.5);
// Diagonal displacement
else if (displacement_X == displacement_Y)
if (departure_coord_X > arrival_coord_X && departure_coord_Y > arrival_coord_Y) motor(RL_BT, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
else if (departure_coord_X > arrival_coord_X && departure_coord_Y < arrival_coord_Y) motor(LR_BT, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
else if (departure_coord_X < arrival_coord_X && departure_coord_Y > arrival_coord_Y) motor(RL_TB, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
else if (departure_coord_X < arrival_coord_X && departure_coord_Y < arrival_coord_Y) motor(LR_TB, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
// Kingside castling
else if (departure_coord_X == 5 && departure_coord_Y == 8 && arrival_coord_X == 7 && arrival_coord_Y == 8)
{ // Kingside castling
motor(R_L, SPEED_SLOW, 0.5);
motor(T_B, SPEED_SLOW, 2);
motor(T_B, SPEED_FAST, 1);
motor(L_R, SPEED_FAST, 0.5);
motor(B_T, SPEED_SLOW, 2);
motor(T_B, SPEED_FAST, 1);
motor(R_L, SPEED_FAST, 0.5);
motor(L_R, SPEED_SLOW, 0.5);
else if (departure_coord_X == 5 && departure_coord_Y == 8 && arrival_coord_X == 3 && arrival_coord_Y == 8)
{ // Queenside castling
motor(R_L, SPEED_SLOW, 0.5);
motor(B_T, SPEED_SLOW, 2);
motor(B_T, SPEED_FAST, 2);
motor(L_R, SPEED_FAST, 0.5);
motor(T_B, SPEED_SLOW, 3);
motor(B_T, SPEED_FAST, 1);
motor(R_L, SPEED_FAST, 0.5);
motor(L_R, SPEED_SLOW, 0.5);
// Horizontal displacement
else if (displacement_Y == 0)
if (departure_coord_X > arrival_coord_X) motor(B_T, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
else if (departure_coord_X < arrival_coord_X) motor(T_B, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_X);
// Vertical displacement
else if (displacement_X == 0)
if (departure_coord_Y > arrival_coord_Y) motor(R_L, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y);
else if (departure_coord_Y < arrival_coord_Y) motor(L_R, SPEED_SLOW, displacement_Y);
// Upadte the reed sensors states with the Balck move
reed_sensor_status_memory[convert_table[departure_coord_Y]][departure_coord_X - 1] = 1;
reed_sensor_status_memory[convert_table[arrival_coord_Y]][arrival_coord_X - 1] = 0;
reed_sensor_status[convert_table[departure_coord_Y]][departure_coord_X - 1] = 1;
reed_sensor_status[convert_table[arrival_coord_Y]][arrival_coord_X - 1] = 0;
} // close black_player_movement
// ********************************** LCD DISPLAY
void lcd_display()
lcd.backlight(); // put this line comment if you are on Simulide
if (no_valid_move == true)
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(" NO VALID MOVE ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
no_valid_move = false; // V8.1 need to be adapted // HvsH with this line -> work. // HvsC with this line -> not work
return; // V8.1 not sure if return go to the same line previous lcd_display() was called, or other place
switch (sequence)
case start_up:
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(" AUTOMATIC ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" CHESSBOARD ");
sequence = start;
break; // V8.1
case start:
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
//lcd.print(" PRESS A - HvsH ");
lcd.print(MenuItems[MenuItemSelected]); // V7 Change
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
// lcd.print(" PRESS B - HvsC ");
lcd.print(MenuItems[MenuItemSelected+1]); // V7 Change
break; // V8.1
case calibration:
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(" CALIBRATION ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" ");
case player_white:
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(" WHITE ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" " + String(minute) + " : " + String(second) + " ");
case player_black:
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(" BLACK ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" " + String(minute) + " : " + String(second) + " ");
case game_over: // V8.1 added the Game Over case for timelapse. For other Issues is set on Micro Max
if (white_win == true) // V8.1 Not work. Counter go to 256
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(" WHITE ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" WINS ");
else if (black_win == true) // V8.1 Not work. Counter go to 256
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(" BLACK ");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(" WINS ");
break; // V8.1
} // close sequence
} // close lcd display
// ************************ DETECT HUMAN MOVEMENT V7 change to run this part only after press the button
void detect_human_movement()
// Record the reed switches status
byte column = 6;
byte row = 0;
for (byte i = 0; i < 4; i++)
digitalWrite(MUX_SELECT[i], LOW);
for (byte j = 0; j < 16; j++)
for (byte k = 0; k < 4; k++)
digitalWrite(MUX_ADDR [k], MUX_CHANNEL [j][k]);
delay(5); // SPK Added for Recomendation on Questions See shuttle123
int hallMeasure = analogRead(MUX_OUTPUT); // SPK TEST your own linear hall to set this parameters
if (hallMeasure > 540 && hallMeasure <= 740)
{ // 540 & 740 for Simulide Set the Value manualy after test
reed_sensor_record[column][row] = 1;
//hall_value[column][row]=hallMeasure; // SPK Added for take the Hall measure
else if (hallMeasure > 840 && hallMeasure <= 1100)
// 840 & 1100 for Simulide, Set the Value manualy after test
reed_sensor_record[column][row] = -1;
//hall_value[column][row]=hallMeasure; // SPK Added for take the Hall measure
{ // Any other Value means no piece. Set the Value manualy after test
reed_sensor_record[column][row] = 0;
//hall_value[column][row]=hallMeasure; // SPK Added for take the Hall measure
// reed_sensor_record[column][row] = digitalRead(MUX_OUTPUT);
if (j == 7)
row = 0;
for (byte l = 0; l < 4; l++)
digitalWrite(MUX_SELECT[l], HIGH);
if (i == 0) column = 4;
if (i == 1) column = 2;
if (i == 2) column = 0;
row = 0;
Serial.println(" Detect Human Movement");
Serial.println(" +-----------------+");
for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++)
Serial.print(' ');
Serial.print(8 - i);
Serial.print("| ");
for (byte j = 0; j < 8; j++)
Serial.print(' ');
reed_sensor_status_memory[7 - i][j] = reed_sensor_record[i][j];
Serial.println(" +-----------------+");
Serial.println(" a b c d e f g h");
// Compare the old and new status of the reed switches
for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (byte j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (reed_sensor_status[i][j] != reed_sensor_status_memory[i][j])
if (reed_sensor_status_memory[i][j] == 0) // SPK adapted for Linear Hall
reed_colone[0] = i;
reed_line[0] = j;
if (reed_sensor_status_memory[i][j] == 1) // 1=White SPK adapted for Linear Hall
reed_colone[1] = i;
reed_line[1] = j;
if (reed_sensor_status_memory[i][j] == -1) // -1=Black SPK adapted for Linear Hall
reed_colone[1] = i;
reed_line[1] = j;
// Set the new status of the reed sensors
// record_sensors(); // V7 moved to record_sensors()
} // close detect_human_movement
// ************************** RECORD SENSORS V7
void record_sensors()
lc.clearDisplay(0); // blanquea matriz Led
for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (byte j = 0; j < 8; j++)
reed_sensor_status[i][j] = reed_sensor_status_memory[i][j];
if(reed_sensor_status[i][j] ==1 || reed_sensor_status[i][j] ==-1)
lc.setLed(0,i,j,true); // Turn on Led where is a piece on
// ************************** INITIAL RECORD SENSORS V7
void initial_record_sensors()
lc.clearDisplay(0); // blanquea matriz Led
for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (byte j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if(reed_sensor_status[i][j] ==1 || reed_sensor_status[i][j] ==-1)
lc.setLed(0,i,j,true); // Turn on Led where is a piece on
// ************************** PLAYER DISPLACEMENT
void player_displacement()
// Convert the reed sensors switches coordinates in characters
char table1[] = {'8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1'};
char table2[] = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'};
mov[0] = table2[reed_line[0]]; // For move e2 -> e4
// Serial.print("mov[0]"); // added SPK for debug
// Serial.println(mov[0]); // added SPK for debug - Show letter e
mov[1] = table1[reed_colone[0]];
// Serial.print("mov[1]"); // added SPK for debug
// Serial.println(mov[1]); // added SPK for debug - Show number 2 (e2, previous move)
mov[2] = table2[reed_line[1]];
// Serial.print("mov[2]"); // added SPK for debug
// Serial.println(mov[2]); // added SPK for debug - Show letter e
mov[3] = table1[reed_colone[1]];
// Serial.print("mov[3]"); // added SPK for debug
// Serial.println(mov[3]); // added SPK for debug - Show number 4 (e4, last move)