#include <WiFi.h> //Including wifi.h library it will take care of all wifi related task
#include <HTTPClient.h> //Including HTTPClient.h library to use all api
const char* ssid = "Wokwi-GUEST"; //Add your WiFi ssid
const char* password = ""; //Add your WiFi password
// String apiKey = "3601079"; //Add your Token number that bot has sent you on WhatsApp messenger
// String phone_number = "+"; //Add your WhatsApp app registered phone number (same number that bot send you in url)
// String url; //url String will be used to store the final generated URL
// void setup()
// {
// Serial.begin(115200);
// WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // Try to connect with the given SSID and PSS
// Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi");
// while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { // Wait until WiFi is connected
// delay(500);
// Serial.print(".");
// }
// Serial.println();
// Serial.println("Connected to the WiFi network"); // Print wifi connect message
// // use message_to_whatsapp function to send your own message
// message_to_whatsapp("Hello from SonuBot."); // you send your own message just change "hello from TechTOnions" to your message.
// }
// void loop()
// {
// //loop will do nothing for this example
// }
// void message_to_whatsapp(String message) // user define function to send meassage to WhatsApp app
// {
// //adding all number, your api key, your message into one complete url
// url = "https://api.callmebot.com/whatsapp.php?phone=" + phone_number + "&apikey=" + apiKey + "&text=" + urlencode(message);
// postData(); // calling postData to run the above-generated url once so that you will receive a message.
// }
// void postData() //userDefine function used to call api(POST data)
// {
// int httpCode; // variable used to get the responce http code after calling api
// HTTPClient http; // Declare object of class HTTPClient
// http.begin(url); // begin the HTTPClient object with generated url
// httpCode = http.POST(url); // Finaly Post the URL with this function and it will store the http code
// if (httpCode == 200) // Check if the responce http code is 200
// {
// Serial.println("Sent ok."); // print message sent ok message
// }
// else // if response HTTP code is not 200 it means there is some error.
// {
// Serial.println("Error."); // print error message.
// }
// http.end(); // After calling API end the HTTP client object.
// }
// String urlencode(String str) // Function used for encoding the url
// {
// String encodedString="";
// char c;
// char code0;
// char code1;
// char code2;
// for (int i =0; i < str.length(); i++){
// c=str.charAt(i);
// if (c == ' '){
// encodedString+= '+';
// } else if (isalnum(c)){
// encodedString+=c;
// } else{
// code1=(c & 0xf)+'0';
// if ((c & 0xf) >9){
// code1=(c & 0xf) - 10 + 'A';
// }
// c=(c>>4)&0xf;
// code0=c+'0';
// if (c > 9){
// code0=c - 10 + 'A';
// }
// code2='\0';
// encodedString+='%';
// encodedString+=code0;
// encodedString+=code1;
// //encodedString+=code2;
// }
// yield();
// }
// return encodedString;
// }
void scanWiFi() {
int n = WiFi.scanNetworks();
Serial.println("Scan done");
if (n == 0) {
Serial.println("No networks found");
} else {
Serial.println(" networks found");
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Serial.print("Network: ");
Serial.print(" (Signal Strength: ");
Serial.println(" dBm)");
void setup() {
// Set up ESP32 as an Access Point
WiFi.softAP(apSSID, apPassword);
Serial.println("ESP32 in AP mode");
Serial.println("IP Address: " + WiFi.softAPIP().toString());
// Perform WiFi scan
void loop() {
// Your main code here (if any)