#include <Stepper.h>

// Define the number of steps per revolution for each stepper motor
const int stepsPerRevolution1 = 200;  // Change this value based on your motor's specifications
const int stepsPerRevolution2 = 200;  // Change this value based on your motor's specifications

// Create stepper motor objects
Stepper stepper1(stepsPerRevolution1, 14, 12, 13, 15);  // Pins: STEP, DIR, MS1, MS2
Stepper stepper2(stepsPerRevolution2, 5, 18, 19, 21);  // Pins: STEP, DIR, MS1, MS2

// Define the angles (in degrees)
const int initialAngle1 = 0;  // Start at 0 degrees
const int targetAngle1 = 300;
const int initialAngle2 = 0;  // Start at 0 degrees
const int targetAngle2 = 180;

// Define the duration for both movements (in milliseconds)
const unsigned long movementDuration = 5000; // 5 seconds per movement

// Track the current position of each stepper
int currentPos1 = 0;
int currentPos2 = 0;

void setup() {
  // Set the speed of both stepper motors
  stepper1.setSpeed(100);  // Adjust the speed as needed
  stepper2.setSpeed(100);  // Adjust the speed as needed

void loop() {
  unsigned long startTime = millis();
  while (millis() - startTime < movementDuration) {
    float progress = (millis() - startTime) / (float)movementDuration;
    // Calculate the current angle for both steppers
    int currentAngle1 = initialAngle1 + (targetAngle1 - initialAngle1) * progress;
    int currentAngle2 = initialAngle2 + (targetAngle2 - initialAngle2) * progress;
    // Calculate the number of steps for both steppers
    int steps1 = currentAngle1 * stepsPerRevolution1 / 360;
    int steps2 = currentAngle2 * stepsPerRevolution2 / 360;
    // Move both steppers relative to their current positions
    stepper1.step(steps1 - currentPos1);
    stepper2.step(steps2 - currentPos2);
    // Update the current positions for both steppers
    currentPos1 = steps1;
    currentPos2 = steps2;
  // Delay before moving the next set of movements

  // Return both steppers to the initial position (0 degrees)
  // Reset the current positions to zero for both steppers
  currentPos1 = 0;
  currentPos2 = 0;