// ------------
// ECE 210 - Lab 5
// ------------




// constants won't change. They're used here to set pin numbers:
const int VL = 4;     // the number of the swich pin, VL stands for logic voltage
const int PR = 3;      // the number of the LED pin, PR stands for red probe
const int PG = 10;      // the number of the LED pin, PG stand for green probe
const int VP = A0;    // select the input pin for the potentiometer

// variables will change:
int Duty;  // duty ratio of on-state in percentage

//declares the inputs and outputs of the circuit
void setup() {
  pinMode(A0, INPUT);
  pinMode(VL, INPUT);
  pinMode(PR, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(PG, OUTPUT);

// your code written here keeps running until eternity
void loop() {
    Duty = analogRead(VP)/4;