import wokwi
# Define GPIO pin numbers
TRIG_PIN = 2 # GPIO pin number for the ultrasonic sensor's trigger
ECHO_PIN = 3 # GPIO pin number for the ultrasonic sensor's echo
PUMP_PIN = 4 # GPIO pin number for the water pump
LED_PIN = 5 # GPIO pin number for the LED
# Initialize components
ultrasonic_sensor = wokwi.ultrasonic(TRIG_PIN, ECHO_PIN)
pump = wokwi.motor(PUMP_PIN)
led = wokwi.led(LED_PIN)
while True:
# Measure distance
distance = ultrasonic_sensor.distance
if distance < 10: # Adjust this threshold as needed
# Water level is above the limit, turn on the pump and LED
pump.speed = 255 # Full speed
# Water level is below the limit, turn off the pump and LED
pump.speed = 0