//Asketch to fade the brightness of an LED

//Variables to hold the pin numbers.
byte ledPin_1 = 6;
byte ledPin_2 = 9;
byte ledPin_3 = 11;
//Global variable to hold the brightness
byte brightness = 0;

//Setup will only run once.
void setup() {


//Loop will run over and over.
  void loop() 
  //Local variable, increment to fade by.  
  byte fadeAmount = 1;

  //Local variable, delay time between switching
  int delayTime = 5;

  analogWrite(ledPin_1, brightness);

  brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;


  delay (delayTime);

  analogWrite(ledPin_2, brightness);

  brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;

 analogWrite(ledPin_3, brightness);

  brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;
