import machine
from machine import Pin
def xorFn(X,Y):
return ((not X) and Y) or (X and (not Y))
def mayoria(X,Y,Z):
return (X and Y) or (X and Z) or (Y and Z)
sliderAUno = Pin (4,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP)
sliderACero = Pin (2,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP)
sliderBUno = Pin (21,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP)
sliderBCero = Pin (18,Pin.IN,Pin.PULL_UP)
ledRojo = Pin(12, Pin.OUT)
ledVerde = Pin(13, Pin.OUT)
ledAzul = Pin(14, Pin.OUT)
while True:
aUno = sliderAUno.value()
aCero = sliderACero.value()
bUno = sliderBUno.value()
bCero = sliderBCero.value()
resultCero = xorFn(aCero,bCero)
carrySemiSumador = aCero and bCero
resultUno = xorFn( xorFn(aUno,bUno),carrySemiSumador)
carryResultado = mayoria(aUno,bUno,carrySemiSumador)
#print("R0 "+str(bool(resultCero))+ " R1 "+ str(bool(resultUno))+" C "+ str(bool(carryResultado)))