#include<Servo.h>     // including Servo library

// defining servo, joystick and button pin configurations 
#define s1Pin 9
#define s2Pin 10
#define joystickX A0
#define joystickY A1
#define button 2

//naming the both servo motors
Servo s1;
Servo s2;

// defining joystick axis parameters
const int joystickhomeX = 512;
const int joystickhomeY = 512;
const int joystickDeadband = 50;

// defining servo1 and servo2 movement with angles
const int s1left = 0;
const int s1right = 180;
const int s2up = 0;
const int s2down = 180;
const int s1home = 90;
const int s2home = 90;

const int s1step = 1;
const int s2step = 1;

int s1position = s1home;
int s2position = s2home;

void setup()


void loop()
  int joystickValueX = analogRead(joystickX);   // read Joystick X axis value 
  int joystickValueY = analogRead(joystickY);   // read Joystick Y axis value 

  // check if Joystick in the Left position
    if (joystickValueX < joystickhomeX - joystickDeadband)
      if(s1position > s1left)
        s1position -= s1step;

    // check if Joystick in the Right position
    if(joystickValueX > joystickhomeX - joystickDeadband)
      if(s1position < s1right)
        s1position += s1step;


    // check if the joystick is in UP position
    if(joystickValueY < joystickhomeY - joystickDeadband)
      if(s2position > s2up)
        s2position -= s2step;

    // check if Joystick is in Down position
    if(joystickValueY > joystickhomeY - joystickDeadband)
      if(s2position < s2down)
        s2position += s2step;

    // check if button is pressed & move servo to their home postion
    if(digitalRead(button) == LOW)
      s1position = s1home;
      s2position = s2home;
 // write the servo position to their respective servo