# Import necessary libraries
from machine import Pin, time_pulse_us
import time

# Defining the trigger and echo pin locations 
trigger_pin = 5
echo_pin = 18

# Defining Speed of Sound Constant 
speed_sound = 0.034

# Mentioning Which is the input pin and which is the output
trigger = Pin(trigger_pin, Pin.OUT)
echo = Pin(echo_pin, Pin.IN)

# Main loop
while True:
    # Send a 10 microsecond pulse to trigger the sensor, to send waves for 10 microseconds
    trigger.value(1) # 1 means switching the tigger pin on
    time.sleep_us(10) # waiting for 10 microseconds
    trigger.value(0) # 0 means switching the trigger pin ff

    # Measure the duration of the pulse on the echo pin
    duration = time_pulse_us(echo, 1, 30000)  # Timeout set to 30,000 microseconds (30ms)

    # Calculate distance in centimeters, using formula d = speed * time
    distance_cm = (duration / 2) * (speed_sound)

    # Print the measured distance in centimeters
    print("Distance:", distance_cm, "cm")

    # Wait for some time before the next measurement