// Made by Lester Matthew Sollano
// Class Constructor:
// ShiftRegisterClass objectName ( dataPin, clockPin )
// dataPin - DS Pin of 74HC595
// clockPin - SHCP Pin of 74HC595
// Class Functions:
// write ( pin, state )
// Global Functions:
// globalWrite ( pin, state )
#define print(x) Serial.println(x)
#define latchPin 2
int binStrToInt ( String binStr )
return strtol ( binStr.c_str(), NULL, 2 );
String binIntToStr ( int binInt )
return String( binInt, BIN );
class ShiftRegisterClass
int dataPin, clockPin, firstDataInt, secondDataInt;
String firstDataStr = "00000000", secondDataStr = "00000000", tempStr;
ShiftRegisterClass ( int dataPin, int clockPin )
this->dataPin = dataPin;
this->clockPin = clockPin;
write ( int pin, int state )
if ( pin <= 8 ) {
tempStr = firstDataStr;
firstDataStr = "";
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
if ( i+1 != pin )
firstDataStr = firstDataStr + tempStr[i];
} else
firstDataStr = firstDataStr + binIntToStr( state );
firstDataInt = binStrToInt ( firstDataStr );
} else
tempStr = secondDataStr;
secondDataStr = "";
for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
if ( i+9 != pin )
secondDataStr = secondDataStr + tempStr[i];
} else
secondDataStr = secondDataStr + binIntToStr( state );
secondDataInt = binStrToInt ( secondDataStr );
shiftOut ( dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, secondDataInt );
shiftOut ( dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, firstDataInt );
digitalWrite ( latchPin, HIGH );
digitalWrite ( latchPin, LOW );
ShiftRegisterClass SR[] = {ShiftRegisterClass( 4, 3 ), ShiftRegisterClass( 5, 6 )};
void globalWrite ( int pin, int state )
int classIndex = (pin-1) / 16;
int outputPin = pin % 16;
if ( outputPin == 0 )
outputPin = 16;
SR[classIndex].write ( outputPin, state );
void allMode( int firstPin, int lastPin, int IO )
int amtOfPins = lastPin - firstPin + 1;
for ( int counter = firstPin; counter <= lastPin; counter++ )
pinMode( counter, IO );
void setup()
allMode ( 0, 53, OUTPUT );
//edit the LOOP lol idc
void loop()
for ( int i = 1; i <= 5; i++ )
globalWrite( i, HIGH );
globalWrite( i, LOW );