#include <FastLED.h>
#include "palettes.h"
#include "functions.h"


//#define MATRIX  16 //could be 16, 24, 32, 40 and 48
#define DATA_PIN            3

#define LED_TYPE            WS2811
#define COLOR_ORDER         GRB
int BRIGHTNESS = 255;

CRGBPalette16 currentPalette;

#define LED_COLS 15      // resolution of cilindrical lookup table
#define LED_ROWS 16
//#define NUM_LEDS 240
bool setupm = 1;
#define C_X (LED_COLS / 2)
#define C_Y (LED_ROWS / 2)
float XY_angle[LED_COLS][LED_ROWS];
float XY_radius[LED_COLS][LED_ROWS];
#define  NUM_LEDS 256
// https://github.com/DmytroKorniienko/FireLamp_JeeUI/tree/dev
// kostyamat\

//#define NUM_LEDS 256
#define COUNT 5
float posX[COUNT];
float posY[COUNT];
uint8_t aimX[COUNT];
uint8_t aimY[COUNT];
float XSradius[COUNT];
byte Shue[255];;
CRGB color[COUNT];

byte starPoints[COUNT];

bool run[COUNT];
bool load = true;

const byte Smax = max(0, 32);//заполнение
const float speedFactor = NUM_LEDS/256; 


extern const uint8_t gGradientPaletteCount;
uint8_t gCurrentPaletteNumber = 0;

byte ZstarPoints[COUNT];

const float ZZSSspeed = (float) NUM_LEDS / 255; // Speed normalization for different matrix sizes
const float ZaddRadius = (float) NUM_LEDS / 600; // Normalization of increase in radius
// of a circle for different matrix sizes 

void ZZSdrawPixelXYF(float x, float y, CRGB color) {
  if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > ((float) LED_COLS - 1) || y > ((float) LED_ROWS - 1)) return;
  uint8_t xx = (x - (int) x) * 255, yy = (y - (int) y) * 255, ix = 255 - xx, iy = 255 - yy;
  // calculate the intensities for each affected pixel
  #define WU_WEIGHT(a, b)((uint8_t)(((a) * (b) + (a) + (b)) >> 8))
  uint8_t wu[4] = {
    WU_WEIGHT(ix, iy),
    WU_WEIGHT(xx, iy),
    WU_WEIGHT(ix, yy),
    WU_WEIGHT(xx, yy)
  // multiply the intensities by the colour, and saturating-add them to the pixels
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    int16_t xn = x + (i & 1), yn = y + ((i >> 1) & 1);
    CRGB clr = leds[XY(xn, yn)];
    clr.r = qadd8(clr.r, ( (color.r) * wu[i]) >> 8);
    clr.g = qadd8(clr.g, ( (color.g)  * wu[i]) >> 8);
    clr.b = qadd8(clr.b , ( (color.b) * wu[i]) >> 8);
    leds[XY(xn, yn)] = clr++;

void ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(float x, float y, CRGB color) {
  if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x > ((float) LED_COLS - 1) || y > ((float) LED_ROWS - 1)) return;
  uint8_t xx = (x - (int) x) * 255, yy = (y - (int) y) * 255, ix = 255 - xx, iy = 255 - yy;
  // calculate the intensities for each affected pixel
  #define WU_WEIGHT(a, b)((uint8_t)(((a) * (b) + (a) + (b)) >> 8))
  uint8_t wu[4] = {
    WU_WEIGHT(ix, iy),
    WU_WEIGHT(xx, iy),
    WU_WEIGHT(ix, yy),
    WU_WEIGHT(xx, yy)
  // multiply the intensities by the colour, and saturating-add them to the pixels
  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
    int16_t xn = x + (i & 1), yn = y + ((i >> 1) & 1);
    CRGB clr = (leds[XY(xn, yn)]);
    clr.r = qadd8((clr.r ), ( (color.r) * wu[i]) >> 8)+1;
    clr.g = qadd8( (clr.g ), ( (color.g)  * wu[i]) >> 8);
    clr.b = qadd8( (clr.b ), ( (color.b) * wu[i]) >> 8);
    leds[XY(xn, yn)] = clr;

void ZZSdrawCircleF(float x0, float y0, float radius,
  const CRGB &  color, float step = 0.25) {
   fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 30); 
  float a = radius-1, b = 0.;
  float radiusError = step -a;
  if (radius <= step * 2) {
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(x0, y0,color);
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(x0, y0,color);
  while (a >= b) {
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(a + x0, b + y0, color);
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(b + x0, a + y0, color);
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(-a + x0, b + y0, color);
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(-b + x0, a + y0, color);
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(-a + x0, -b + y0, color);
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(-b + x0, -a + y0, color);
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(a + x0, -b + y0, color);
    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(b + x0, -a + y0, color);

    b += step;
    if (radiusError < 0.)
      radiusError += 2. * b + step;
    else {
      a -= step+sin8(170);
      radiusError += 2 * (b - a + step);
void ZXZSdrawCircleF(float x0, float y0, float radius,
  const CRGB &  color, float step = 0.25) {
fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 13);

  float a = radius-1, b = 0.;
  float radiusError = step -a;
  if (radius <= step * 2) {
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(x0, y0,color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(x0, y0,color);
  while (a >= b) {

    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(a + x0, b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(b + x0, a + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-a + x0, b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-b + x0, a + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-a + x0, -b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-b + x0, -a + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(a + x0, -b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(b + x0, -a + y0, color);

    b += step;
    if (radiusError < 0.)
      radiusError += 2. * b + step;
    else {
      a -= step+sin8(30);
      radiusError += 2 * (b - a + step);
void ZXXZSdrawCircleF(float x0, float y0, float radius,
  const CRGB &  color, float step = 0.25) {

    fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 30);
  float a = radius-1, b = 0.;
  float radiusError = step -a;
  if (radius <= step * 2) {
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(x0, y0,color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(x0, y0,color);
  while (a >= b) {

    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(a + x0, b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(b + x0, a + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-a + x0, b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-b + x0, a + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-a + x0, -b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-b + x0, -a + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(a + x0, -b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(b + x0, -a + y0, color);

    b += step;
    if (radiusError < 0.)
      radiusError += 2. * b + step;
    else {
      a -=step+1;
      radiusError += 2 * (b - a + step);
 // blur2d(leds, LED_COLS, LED_ROWS, 150);
void ZXXXZSdrawCircleF(float x0, float y0, float radius,
  const CRGB &  color, float step = 0.25) {

    //color = ColorFromPalette(GgTargetPalette,leds,222);
   fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 30); 
  float a = radius-1, b = 0.;
  float radiusError = step -a;
  /*if (radius <= step * 2) {
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(x0, y0,color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(x0, y0,color);
  while (a >= b-10) {
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(a + x0, b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(b + x0, a + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-a + x0, b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-b + x0, a + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-a + x0, -b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(-b + x0, -a + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(a + x0, -b + y0, color);
    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(b + x0, -a + y0, color);

    b += step;
    if (radiusError < 0.)
      radiusError += 2. * b + step;
    else {
      a -= step;//+sin8(170)
      radiusError += 2 * (b - a + step);
void ZZdrawLineF(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
  const CRGB & color) {
  float deltaX = fabs(x2 - x1);
  float deltaY = fabs(y2 - y1);
  float error = deltaX - deltaY;
  float signX = x1 < x2 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
  float signY = y1 < y2 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
  while (x1 != x2 || y1 != y2) {
    if ((signX > 0. && x1 > x2 + signX) || (signX < 0. && x1 < x2 + signX))
    if ((signY > 0. && y1 > y2 + signY) || (signY < 0. && y1 < y2 + signY))

    ZZSdrawPixelXYF(x1, y1, color);
    float error2 = error;
    if (error2 > -deltaY) {
      error -= deltaY;
      x1 += signX;
    if (error2 < deltaX) {
      error += deltaX;
      y1 += signY;



void ZXZdrawLineF(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2,
  const CRGB & color) {
  float deltaX = fabs(x2 - x1);
  float deltaY = fabs(y2 - y1);
  float error = deltaX - deltaY;
  float signX = x1 < x2 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
  float signY = y1 < y2 ? 0.5 : -0.5;
  while (x1 != x2 || y1 != y2) {
    if ((signX > 0. && x1 > x2 + signX) || (signX < 0. && x1 < x2 + signX))
    if ((signY > 0. && y1 > y2 + signY) || (signY < 0. && y1 < y2 + signY))

    ZXZSdrawPixelXYF(x1, y1, color);
    float error2 = error;
    if (error2 > -deltaY) {
      error -= deltaY;
      x1 += signX;
    if (error2 < deltaX) {
      error += deltaX;
      y1 += signY;



void ZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
 ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
  // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
  // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
    ////ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);

   // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
   // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
   //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
     ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
     ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
     ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXXZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
  //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
    ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);

void XXXXZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
    ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
  //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);

void XXXXXZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
    ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
  ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXXXXXZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
 // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128),color);
    ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXXXXXXZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
   ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128),color);
 //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXXXXXXXZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
   ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128),color);
   ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);




void ZXZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
 ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
  // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
  // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
    ////ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);

   // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
   // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XZXZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
   //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
     ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXZXZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
     ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
     ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXXZXZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
  //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
    ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);

void XXXXZXZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
    ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
  //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);

void XXXXXZXZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
    ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
  ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXXXXXZXZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
 // ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128),color);
    ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXXXXXXZXZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
   ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128),color);
 //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void XXXXXXXXZXZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 =(255.0 )/ points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
   ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128),color);
   ZXZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);



void ZZZdrawStarF(float x, float y, float biggy, float little, int16_t points, float dangle, CRGB color) {
  float radius2 = 255.0 / points;
  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {

    //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
    //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);

    //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
    //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 - dangle) - 128.0)) / 128), color);

 //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 8  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
    //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 8 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);

  //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 + radius2 / 2  ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);
    //ZZdrawLineF(x + ((little * (sin8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((little * (cos8(i * radius2 - radius2 / 2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), x + ((biggy * (sin8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), y + ((biggy * (cos8(i * radius2 ) - 128.0)) / 128), color);


void ZZaimChange(byte idx) {
  aimX[idx] = random16(LED_COLS / 2 , LED_COLS / 2 );
  aimY[idx] = random16(LED_ROWS / 2 , LED_ROWS / 2 );
  XSradius[idx] =0;
  Shue[idx] = random16();
  //color[idx] =ColorFromPalette(CloudColors_p,LavaColors_p,RainbowStripeColors_p,RainbowStripeColors_p);
  color[idx] = ColorFromPalette(GgTargetPalette, Shue[idx],255); //CHSV(hue, 255, 255);
  starPoints[idx] = random(3, 7);
  run[idx] = false;

void Plamya( CRGB* ledarray, uint16_t numleds, CRGBPalette16& palette) 

  if (setupm) {
    setupm = 0;
 for (int8_t x = -C_X; x < C_X+(LED_COLS%2); x++) {
      for (int8_t y = -C_Y; y < C_Y+(LED_ROWS%2); y++) {
      XY_angle[x + C_X][y + C_Y] = atan2(y, x) * (180. / 2. / PI) * LED_COLS;
        XY_radius[x + C_X][y + C_Y] = hypot(x, y); //thanks Sutaburosu
  static byte scale = 8;
  static byte speed = 24;
  static uint32_t t;
  t += speed;
  for (uint8_t x = 0; x < LED_COLS; x++) {
    for (uint8_t y = 0; y < LED_ROWS; y++) {
      float angle = XY_angle[x][y];
      float radius = XY_radius[x][y];
      int16_t Bri = inoise8(angle, radius * scale - t) - radius * LED_ROWS;
      byte Col = Bri;
       if (Bri < 0) Bri = 0; 
       if(Bri != 0) Bri = 256 - (Bri *0.2);
      nblend(leds[XY(x, y)], ColorFromPalette(gTargetPalette, Col, Bri), speed);
  //fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 25);
 void Zvezda () { 


  if (load) {
    for (byte i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
    run[0] = true;
    load = false;
  for (byte i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
    if (XSradius[i] > Smax / COUNT) {
      run[i + 1 < COUNT ? i + 1 : 0] = true;
    static float angle[COUNT];
    if (run[i]) {
      XSradius[i] += ZaddRadius * speedFactor;
      angle[i] += XSradius[i];
      switch (Shue[i] % 48) {  // Скоректированны
              case 0:
        ZZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
       case 1:
          ZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i],  XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 2:
          ZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i],  XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		case 3:
        ZXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
        case 4:
          XZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 5:
          XZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		case 6:
        ZXXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
        case 7:
          XXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 8:
          XXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		 case 9:
        ZXXXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
        case 10:
          XXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 11:
          XXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
          case 12:
          ZZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 *XSradius[i], color[i]); // рисуем круг
        case 13:
          XXXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 14:
          XXXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		 case 15:
        ZXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
        case 16:
          XXXXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
		case 17:
          XXXXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		case 18:
        ZXXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
        case 19:
          XXXXXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 20:
          XXXXXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
           case 21:
          ZXXXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3* XSradius[i], color[i]); // рисуем круг
        case 22:
          XXXXXXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 23:
          XXXXXXXZZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		case 24:
        ZZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
          case 25:
            ZXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3* XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
		   case 26:
          ZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 27:
          ZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
       case 28:
          ZXXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 *XSradius[i], color[i]); // рисуем круг
        case 29:
          XZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 30:
          XZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
          ZXXXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3* XSradius[i], color[i]); // рисуем круг
        case 31:
          XXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
	    case 32:
          XXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		 case 33:
          ZZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 *XSradius[i], color[i]); // рисуем круг
        case 34:
          XXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
		 case 35:
         XXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		    case 36:
        ZXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
        case 37:
          XXXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 38:
          XXXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		case 39:
        ZXXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
		  case 40:
          XXXXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 41:
          XXXXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		case 42:
          ZXXXZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
		case 43:
          XXXXXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 44:
          XXXXXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
		case 45:
          ZZSdrawCircleF(aimX[i], aimY[i],1.3*XSradius[i],color[i] ); // рисуем круг
        case 46:
          XXXXXXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 1.3 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], 4, angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем квадрат
        case 47:
          XXXXXXXZXZdrawStarF(aimX[i], aimY[i], 2 * XSradius[i], XSradius[i], starPoints[i], angle[i], color[i]); // рисуем звезду
    if (XSradius[i] > Smax) ZZaimChange(i++);

  //delay(16); //fps ~= 60
 fadeToBlackBy(leds, NUM_LEDS, 30);
void ColorWave()

    //nblendPaletteTowardPalette( gCurrentPalette, gTargetPalette, 16);
    nblendPaletteTowardPalette( gCurrentPalette, gTargetPalette, 255);

    gCurrentPaletteNumber = random8 (gGradientPaletteCount);
    gTargetPalette = paletteArr[ gCurrentPaletteNumber ];

  Plamya( leds, NUM_LEDS, gCurrentPalette);


void ColorWave_Z()  //Zvezda

    //nblendPaletteTowardPalette( gCurrentPalette, gTargetPalette, 16);
    nblendPaletteTowardPalette( gCurrentPalette, GgTargetPalette, 255);

    gCurrentPaletteNumber = random8 (gGradientPaletteCount);
    GgTargetPalette = paletteArr[ gCurrentPaletteNumber ];

Zvezda ();


void setup()
	FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE, DATA_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setDither(BRIGHTNESS < 255); // cpt-city palettes have different color balance
	currentPalette = RainbowColors_p;

void loop()
uint16_t XY (uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { return (y * LED_COLS + x);}