Project: THC for Plasma CNC controller
Platform: Arduino UNO R3
Created: April 2015
Version: 02.00
By: Pham Duy Anh - [email protected]
Update and changes
By: Mehmet İbrahim - [email protected]
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MehmetIbrahim
-> input
<- output
-> serial Tx
-> serial Rx
-> reset
-> rotary encoder digital - interrupt
-> rotary encoder digital - interrupt
-> totary button digital
-> plasma Torch on digital
-> plasma Arc Ok analog or digital)
-> plasma arc voltage analog 0-5V
<- Arc Ok optocoupler
<- torch Up optocoupler
<- torch Down optocuopler
<- LCD
<- LCD
<- LCD
<- LCD
<- LCD
<- LCD
#define encoderPinA 2 //PORTD 2 - INT0
#define encoderPinB 3 //PORTD 3 - INT1
#define buttonPin 8 //PORTD 4
#define outputDirPin 9 //PORTD 5
#define outputPulPin 10 //PORTD 6
#define relayDir 4 //PORTD 7
#define relayPul 5 //PORTB 0
#define relay5V 6 //PORTB 1
#define relayEN 7
#define arcVoltPin A0 //PORTC 0
#define speedPot A1 //PORTC 1
#define defaultLCDtime 500 // s * 100
DT - Delay time - Delay time of output closed despite no supply voltage, when the system detects the main (cutting) arc, 0.1~19.9s.
HyS - Hysreresis - The hysteresis voltage - a rangge in which the voltage is measured, in which ther are signals controlling Up/Down, (+-1V ~ +-15V)
StV - Started Voltage - Value of the off load voltage detection in the plasma cutter - uesd to detect the main (cutting) arc: 50~300V.
int SetVa = 0, DTa = 1, HySa = 2, StVa = 3;
int SetV, DT, HyS, StV;
//(divRato) It is a value that varies depending on the voltage divider you use, a low value increases Arc.V, a high value decreases it.
//The welding machine gives continuous output. Comparison can be made by connecting the voltage divider to the welding machine :)
//int divRato = 43;
//int divRato = 39;
int divRato = 39;
unsigned long ArcV;
int oldValue;
//Taking Average read voltage (values)
bool takingAverage = false; //Read the voltage with a few examples true or false
//10 samples readings will be taken and averaged to arch voltage read
int sampleReadV = 10; //10 samples
unsigned int millisdelayReadV = 3; // Waiting time for between samples readings [ms]
int counterVo = 0;
unsigned long readVMillis;
unsigned long prevReadVMillis = 0;
unsigned long readingsV = 0;
//stepper motor signal frequency
unsigned int fregCy = 2000; // Motor speed potentiometer min 33 max 65535
bool reverse = false; // If the movement is reversed in the test menu, change it (true or false)
int thcOK = 0, thcUp = 0, thcDwn = 0;
int program;
// Array of Param
// SetV, DT, HYS, StV, divRato,
// Param Address 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,
int Param[4] = {SetV, DT, HyS, StV};//, divRato};
byte ParamItem = 4;
// Enable to do THC
boolean Do;
boolean DoStepper;
// Encoder, menu, pos
int encoderVal;
byte menu = 0;
byte pos = 0;
byte show = 0;
unsigned int LCDtime = 0;
void setup()
//Read parameter from EEPROM
if (program == 255){ // Configure eeprom defaults on first boot
ReadProg(); //Now read the parameters again
switch (program)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
//Set value for all parameter
SetV = Param[SetVa];
DT = Param[DTa];
HyS = Param[HySa];
StV = Param[StVa];
//Preset value for encoder
encoderVal = SetV;
void loop()
//Read voltage
if (takingAverage)
// Read Average voltage value from ADC
readVMillis = millis();
if (readVMillis - prevReadVMillis >= millisdelayReadV)
prevReadVMillis = readVMillis;
readingsV += double(analogRead(arcVoltPin)) * double(100.00 / divRato);
if (counterVo == sampleReadV)
ArcV = readingsV / sampleReadV;
counterVo = 0;
readingsV = 0;
} else {
// Read voltage value from ADC
ArcV = double(analogRead(arcVoltPin)) * double(100.00 / divRato);