#include "FastLED.h"
const uint8_t kBorderWidth = 2;
#define DATA_PIN    3 
#define LED_TYPE    WS2812B          //leds type
#define COLS 15       // resolution of cilindrical lookup table
#define ROWS 16
#define NUM_LEDS 240 
CRGB leds [NUM_LEDS+1];

void setup() {


 .setCorrection( TypicalLEDStrip );

void loop()
  // Apply some blurring to whatever's already on the matrix
  // Note that we never actually clear the matrix, we just constantly
  // blur it repeatedly.  Since the blurring is 'lossy', there's
  // an automatic trend toward black -- by design.
  uint8_t blurAmount = beatsin16(112,10,255);
  blur2d( leds, COLS, ROWS, blurAmount);

  // Use two out-of-sync sine waves
  uint8_t  i = beatsin16( 17, kBorderWidth, COLS-kBorderWidth);
  uint8_t  j = beatsin16( 14, kBorderWidth, ROWS-kBorderWidth); 
  // Also calculate some reflections
  uint8_t ni = (COLS-1)-i;
  uint8_t nj = (ROWS-1)-j;
  // The color of each point shifts over time, each at a different speed.
  uint16_t ms = millis();
  leds[XY(ni,nj)] += CHSV( ms / 17, 20, 255);
   leds[XY( i, j)] += CHSV( ms / 11, 100, 255);
  leds[XY( j, i)] += CHSV( ms / 13, 200, 255);
  leds[XY(ni,nj)] += CHSV( ms / 17, 200, 255);
  leds[XY(nj,ni)] += CHSV( ms / 29, 200, 255);
  leds[XY( i,nj)] += CHSV( ms / 37, 200, 255);
  leds[XY(ni, j)] += CHSV( ms / 41, 200, 255); 
  leds[XY( i, j)] += CHSV( ms / 11, 200, 255);
  leds[XY( j, i)] += CHSV( ms / 13, 200, 255);
  leds[XY( i, j)] += CHSV( ms / 11, 200, 255);
  leds[XY(nj,ni)] += CHSV( ms / 29, 200, 255);
  leds[XY( i,nj)] += CHSV( ms / 37, 200, 255);
  leds[XY(ni, j)] += CHSV( ms / 41, 200, 255);
  leds[XY(ni, j)] += CHSV( ms / 41, 200, 255);
  leds[XY( j, i)] += CHSV( ms / 13, 200, 255);
  leds[XY(ni,nj)] += CHSV( ms / 17, 200, 255);
  leds[XY(nj,ni)] += CHSV( ms / 29, 200, 255);
  leds[XY( i,nj)] += CHSV( ms / 37, 200, 255);

uint16_t XY (uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { return (y * COLS + x);}